Phone irony and a new hair color!
Oh the irony....!
Okay, so this morning I decided to go to NetOnNet to talk to them about my phone, and the guy at the customer services was really really nice, and told me that I should change it to Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini Pro, cause even though it's smaller, it's a whole lot better, not to mention cheaper!
So I did, and I am not a proud owner of this little pretty thing:
And now to the irony... On the other one I could only update my blog with capital letters and the enter button didn't work.
On my new phone I can only write in lowercase, small letters, and the enter button doesn't work here either... SO! It's not the phone, it's, not working very well on the phone....! Oh well...!
Oh, did you notice the fact that I have RED hair? I though so ;)
I bought L'oreal Casting semi permanent color, Red copper, and I LOVE it!
It wasn't hard to do it by myself, but sure, I wouldn't mind an extra hand or two next time.
It didn't take long, and the best part, it didn't leave stains... which is good, cause I managed to get little spots all over the place! :P
Well, now I know I should stick to red. Red is my color! :)
I likes it! ;)
I'm gonna go get something to eat!
Later peeps!