This is me, saying good night!
Well hello!

Check this out!
-Laundry ✓
I'm all done, didn't fall asleep in the washing machine! Only had 3 loads... And I didn't want to wait for the last load in the dryer, so I brought it all up to my apartment, and I'm now using pretty much all areas possible as a laundry hanger, dryer, thingie...
I'm all done, didn't fall asleep in the washing machine! Only had 3 loads... And I didn't want to wait for the last load in the dryer, so I brought it all up to my apartment, and I'm now using pretty much all areas possible as a laundry hanger, dryer, thingie...
Inventive, huh :)
Oh, how I love my himmelsäng, which according to google translate is called poster bed... Does anyone here have a clue as to WHY that is ? I don't think it makes any sense, really...
...Have you lit a candle yet? Sure hope ya would :)
Btw, don't you (people in Sweden) think it's kind of bizarre that they're showing both United 93 and World Trade Center today on TV... Isn't that just a tad insensitive?
Oh well... I guess it would be a bigger deal if they showed them on TV in the states... But really it shouldn't be allowed. There are 364 other days to chose from!
Gosh, I'm so tired, it's ridiculous... and I'm so happy! That means I just have to try and stay awake for a few more hours, then I'm gonna sleep through the whole night, like a normal person :)
...Heck, it might be sooner than a few hours.
Here's me, wishing y'all a good night! And I dedicate it to Dakota and Bo (Texas)! I miss you tons!
Oh yeah, and I cannot get enough of Pepsi Max - limited edition - Wild baobab flavor - It's yumm!
Nighty night!
