Why am I writing in English ?
Why am I writing in English, and why are some posts in Swedish ?
Okay, it's like this:
❀ I had another blog before this one, where I wrote in Swedish, and when I shut that one down, to start this one, I copied some of the entries to this blog.
❀ I express myself a lot better in English, I don't know why. I've had the English language around me since I was born basically, with my relatives and all, and I developed an interest for English very early!
I'm not kidding, sometimes I have a hard time finding the Swedish word, and sometimes I use English when I'm talking to my friends (cause some things makes a lot more sense when said in English), probably drives them crazy, but ey, that's just who I am! ツ
❀ I have many friends and relatives in different places in the world, and I want them to be able to read my blog as well, and that's another important reason why I'm writing in English!
❀ Now that I have this fundraiser for Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya I can reach a bigger audience, since I'm writing in English. Sure it's harder for people to help out when they're from another country, but it's not impossible!
That's about it!
Madeleine explains it all! 10-4! over and out!
Postat av: Tessan
''I'm not kidding, sometimes I have a hard time finding the Swedish word, and sometimes I use English when I'm talking to my friends (cause some things makes a lot more sense when said in English), probably drives them crazy, but ey, that's just who I am!''
det är som att jag själv skrivit detta, haha. jag är precis likadan! =)
Postat av: crem - music & a bit of fashion
Hehe nice, då är du precis som jag. Ja nästan iaf. Engelska är ett mycket bra och fint språk tycker jag, i love it. Keep on using it for ur on sake, det är verkligen jättebra. Men det svenska språket älskar jag hehe, tycker det är jättefint det med:).
Postat av: SaaraSaariioniitaa
nice :D!