Can't watch the videos on this blog?
Having trouble watching the videos posted to this blog ?
This could be caused by two things!
☆One: You don't have Flash Player on your computer; which is required to be able to watch these videos. You can download Flash Player [HERE] fast and easy, and best of all; for free! ✓
☆Two: Some videos are uploaded to my blog via Facebook. I have checked all of them (at least I think I have), and they are all set to "Visible by everyone" on my Facebook settings. IF I have forgotten one, you'll probably find a message saying something like "this video is set to private", I don't really know, cause it hasn't happened yet.
But if this happens, let me know and I will investigate it a.s.a.p! But I am also using YouTube, and the ones I have uploaded so far are set to public and working as far as I can tell! ✓
Enjoy! ㋡
Madeleine explains it all! 10-4! Over and out!
