Okay, so! I went to London in May this year and I have to say it is a very nice city to visit in the spring/early summer.

I went to visit a former (so called) friend, and since this person is not worth mentioning, I'll just share the good memories I have, along with my pictures! Enjoy! ヅ
The tower of London
Picture one: I went on the Tower of London tour! It was great! This picture is taken with my actual camera that I brought with me to England... The other pictures from the tour are taken with my cell phone camera... Since of course, I forgot my camera that day... "Weee..."
Picture two: The awesome tour guide! Cannot remember what his name is, but I do remember it was his very first tour! And he did a great job! It's amazing how much stuff you must know to be a tour guide there! It's not exactly a short tour! ヅ
Picture three: Go Yeoman Warder! Go! ヅ
Picture four: The Traitor's gate. The History of the Tower of London is bloody and cruel and Traitor's Gate has its part to play in its story. The water-gate under St Thomas's Tower has been known for over 400 years as 'Traitors' Gate' because of the number of prisoners, accused of treason, who have passed through it.
There were tons of coins on the bottom! ヅ
Picture one: "This wall in the Tower of London forms part of the west side of the original bailey. It was built between 1221 and 1238 during hte reign of Henry III to replace earlier defenses constructed by William the Conquerer. The slope at the base of the wall forms part of the defensive ditch believed to date from the 11th Century."
If you look really close you can see a raven sitting on the edge in the big hole!
Picture two: The ravens of the Tower of London. Seven ravens are in permanent residence in the Tower of london; their wings are clipped, so they can't fly away... According to a superstition from the time of Charles II claims that when there are no longer ravens in the tower, both the White tower and the kingdom will fall.
Picture three: The Old Hospital Block, built in the 18th century.
Picture four: This is the very spot where Henry VIII got two of his wives beheaded. ("Riiight, the fat dude, who invented divorce").
All together seven people were executed here, five of them were women.
Picture five: On tour ヅ Almost by the Crown jewels! Where no cameras were allowed...!
Picture six: Jewel House, where the Crown jewels are kept. The Crown Jewels denotes the regalia and vestments worn by the sovereign of the United Kingdom during the coronation ceremony and at other state functions. The jewels refers to the following objects: the crowns, sceptres (with either the cross or the dove), orbs,swords, rings, spurs, colobium sindonis, dalmatic, armill, and the royal robe or pall, as well as several other objects connected with the ceremony itself.
Picture one: London Bridge.
Picture two: London Eye.
Picture three: Trafalgar square. Really liked this place. It was very cozy to just sit on the steps, have something to drink and people watch! ヅ
Picture four: Fifteen!! I found Jamie Oliver's restaurant! Unfortunately he wasn't thereヅ. Jamie Oliver for president!
Picture five: Notting Hill. It was so nice to just walk around there... The houses were so cute!
There's a market around there too (Portobello Road Market), but it's just open once a week (Sundays). And of course I missed it...!
Picture six: The Globe theatre. It was built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men, and was destroyed by fire on June 29th 1613. A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642.
A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named "Shakespeare's Globe", opened in 1997 approximately 230 metres (750 ft) from the site of the original theatre.
Picture one: Phone booths ヅ
Picture two: Me on the millennium bridge!
Picture three: St. Paul's Cathedral seen from the Millennium bridge. It is the seat of the Bishop of London.
Picture four: Me and my awesome friend Chidde. He lives in London!
Picture five: Be sure to mind the gap, please! This "phrase", mind the gap, can even be found on thongs... A bit too much if you ask me ヅ
Picture six: Oh, yeah, KEEP LEFT! I don't know how many times I almost got run over by a car cause I looked the wrong way as I was crossing the street...! Talk about learning the hard way! ヅ
Pictute one: GINGER BEER! This brand of ginger beer was the best I've ever tasted! WAY better than ginger ale! Why, oh, why, can't they sell this kind in Sweden??
Picture two: Of COURSE, I saw BIG Ben, while in London! :) Took the classic picture!
Picture three: Parliament Square is a square outside the northwest end of the Palace of Westminster in London. It features a large open green area in the middle, with a group of trees to its west.
Popular demonstration spot!
Picture four: The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster (Westminster Abbey).
It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English, later British and later still (and currently) monarchs of the Commonwealth Realms.
Picture five: Inside Westminster Abbey. We weren't really supposed to take any pictures here, but I managed to take this one with my camera.
Picture six: This is also inside Westminster Abbey, but this picture is taken with my cellphone... I wanted to be a bit more discrete...
Picture one: One more picture inside Westminster Abbey. It sure was amazing.
Picture two: Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch. I only went there once, that night... And no, I didn't try to make the Queen's guard laugh...!
Picture three: Memorial statue of Queen Victoria.
Picture four: Call me a dork, YES I love Harry Potter! ヅ
Picture five: View from the Millennium bridge.
Picture six: Mama Mia playing! I wanted to go see it, but I was still satisfied from watching it in NYC last year :)
Maybe next time!
Well, this is it for now... THe next update will be about the different markets I went to! :)
Camden market among others!! :)
Tah-tah, for now! Cheerio!
