Good news...No... GREAT news!
My sweetie just went home... I'm sleepin in my apartment tonight, since I have to get up at 3:45am... It's not human, I know... and I don't want him to suffer cause of my crummy work hours!

I have HUMONGOUS-ly great news!!!
I passed the do-over exam!!!! By 1,5 points! Whoop whoop! Whoop Whooop! I friggin' rock!
It feels soooo great! Now I can go to Turkey and relax and have summer vacation with my sisters!

Tomorrow I have my last work day before I go: 4.23-9:07 (AM)... It's a good thing it's a short shift... it'll be my 7th workday in a row, and I'm starting to feel the "I'll go crazy if I don't get a day off soon"-ish!
Nighty night!

Good morning, sunshine!
Good morning peeps!

I'm just about ready to leave for school... Oh, how wonderful it is to start at 12 noon... And since it's the group project, WE decided that time to meet up.
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul".
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul".
Today summer is back in Malmö... Which is awesome, beyond awesome! But I have to be inside most of the day, with the group, making the last edits on the movie...!
Later in the afternoon I'll meet up with my Connect group... It'll be nice! :)
Hmm, I better get going... I'm gonna go pick up my exam before I meet up with the group!

A long lost hello from the nursing world!
Well, hello!
... Naaah... not really...! :P

Okay, quick update...
I failed the first exam... I did the do-over exam this Saturday... And it sucked... I practiced on 5 old exams.. and they had like FIVE of those questions on the do-over... All the other ones were new... and HARD... and very strangely written... So yah, it sucked... Either I'll get G...or just below (IG - Fail, G - Approved, VG - Very Good) -ish!

Oh, and I JUST found out that I failed the second exam we had...
... And, I have ordered a trip to Turkey with my fellow nurse-sisters.... June 12th-19th...
The do-over exam on that one is on the 18th (of course)... Soooo Now I have to cancel the trip to Turkey... OR change the return date to the 17th... But, I have to say, bring my books and study in Turkey? Not really an exciting thought, eh?
Then again... study here, in Sweden... at home... B-O-R-I-N-G!
My boyfriend won't even be here to kick my ass if I don't study... I KNOW I will have that in Turkey - Eight feet to kick my ass if I'm slacking...!
Well, I have sent a request to the SupersaveTravel... or-whatever-they're-called... And hopefully I'll be able to change the return date...
The annoying thing is that I was only 2,5 points from Approved...! (On the 2nd exam that is...)
...And the reason why I want to change/cancel my Turkey trip is becase I don't want to risk having TWO do-over exams in the fall in case I fail on the do-over exam I did this weekend...! I KNOW I won't be able to do BOTH of them close together in the fall... They're too big and complicated...!

ENOUGH written about this boring crap!
Tonight, my boyfriend and I are going to check out some MC-clothes for me! I found an ad on BLOCKET!
The guy sounds really nice, when I talked to him on the phone.. But when he started talking about brands and material... I felt so totally lost...! And decided it's better if my bf is with me... Especially since the guy had all sorts of things... Not just the jacket he posted in the ad...!
I hope that my bf and I will be able to go to Öland over the midsummer weekend... and go up there on his motorcycle! Whoop!
...That's why I need to get me some MC-clothes! :)

Well, this was a teeny tiny update... But this is it for now...
I guess I should go prep for the upcoming do-over exam?

Long time no words!
Hello desert!

Guess what?
I have started nursing school here in Malmö! That's one news since my last entry. I also have the best class mates in the world! They're awesome!

I have found my long lost TV series love: Ponnyexpressen, a.k.a The young riders. I have looked for this TV show for ever(!!), but I had no idea the original title was The young riders...

...YUMM!!! Hotness deluxe!
....Yeah, there's so much to tell, but I just had this crazy idea to check my blog... and felt bad for not updating in such a long time... And I probably won't get much better at it either, considering my busy schedule in school...!
This is it for now!

More pictures added to the KENYA 2010 entries!
There, there... I've spent the last hour(s)... updating the previous posts with pictures!

Since the internet in Kenya was rather slow I wasn't able to upload the pics on the spot. But now they are attached to the different entries!
I'm still sick... But it's nice to be off work until Monday at least! I need the rest. I needed this vacation from vacation before work starts again...
I'm gonna go to bed soon... I'm exhausted...
Nighty night!

The Lord is my shepherd
Hello hello, good evening!
Let me tell you a little about yesterday! I went to church (UNITED) after work.

Let me tell you a little about yesterday! I went to church (UNITED) after work.
The first sermon, by Christian, was mind blowing! Every time I've been there I've felt like I'm the only one there and they speak directly to me. It's amazing!
The current theme in my church is "Find your strenght in your church" (It actually rhymes in Swedish).
He talked about hymn 23 "The Lord is my shepherd":
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
I shall not want;
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
And he talked a lot about finding your strenght within, and things that are/have been hard in your life might be a way for you to get stronger. (What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger).
You will find your strenght in Him. He is all around us, He wants what is best for us, even when it hurts. He will make us strong.
And at 6:30pm the Sunday night live sermon started, and tonight it was my good friend Elin that was in charge of the sermon, and like I wrote on my FB status, she's only 20 years old but she speaks like an old wise woman.
She spoke right to my heart!
She talked about how we make our own barriers, we limit ourselves. And how other people may limit you, because you want what the have... a look, a specific object, a body type, a family...
* You are the VERY best when you are YOU.
* Let your weakness be your strenght
* Let your weakness be your strenght
* Don't compare yourself to others... But have role models!
* Let Him be the hero
Feel safe in the way He created you and understand how He created you.
OH! So amazing...!
I'm leaving for Kenya on Saturday, and I'll miss 3(!!!) Sunday sermons... BUT, I will go to another sermon on Friday (Same church, just another time and place for the sermon)...
It will be a nice kick off before I leave!
Can you imagine...??
I leave on SATURDAY!!! :))))) KENYA HERE I COME!!
Ps! Check the sponsor list! More people have donated money! :))

Hey hey!

Well, I spent this morning/day at United (church) making chocolate cakes and had a great time with my girls :)
Tomorrow's Super Sunday is going to be amazing!! Can't wait!
Last night I went to Lund to meet up with Johanna and Jimmy, celebrating Johanna's birthday!
It was so nice, and the restaurant was great!
I'm getting ready to go to Cili, to spend time with my other group of girls!
It's going to be a great night!
Well, I better get ready! More soon!

Life group á la Africa! :)
Hmm, I don't know what's up with but the layout is different... :/

I just got back from my life group meeting! Feels weird calling it a meeting though... cause it's just a bunch of wonderful people together, eating good food, having a great time and talking about the previouse Sunday's sermon.
Tonight was Africa night! I made Ugali na mboga! And for dessert I made...umm... We'll call em' nutella squares :)
It was so nice to meet up with everyone again...!
This will have to be a short update, cause I have to get up at 4am tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to it... But at least I have the rest of the weekend off! And on Sunday it's SUPER SUNDAY in church!! :))
I'm so excited! It's the first time for me at a Super Sunday!
I'm off to bed!
Nighty night peeps!

Cuuuuurls! :)
Hey hey,

So right after I posted the last entry I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up I was even more tired... *yawn*
But, I got going pretty quickly...
I went to the mall and got a pair of winter shoes.... Handed out some flyers.... had lunch at Tamnack Thai... then went to Cili and her intern did my hair and make up again :)
I have cuuuuurly hair and a discrete very nice make up! :)

Productive morning!
Talk about a productive start of this day!

I got up at 7am to take care of the laundry... I just finished... Booring!
I'm gonna go to the mall to get me some winter shoes today... but I think I need a power nap before I go... Just doing laundry and I'm wiped out... ? Sick.
Anyway, just filling in some blanks.. I'll be back later!

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
Hey peeps!

How's your day so far ?
I went to my Cili [Sandra Ili´c hair and make up] earlier today and her intern made my hair and I was a make up model.. It was very nice! It's been a long time since I was a make up model.
Then I went to Skopunkten to see if they had any good winter shoes.. But nope... I'm gonna continue my search tomorrow... My feet are starting to get cold in my converse.... Fall is really here... :(
I also have laundry scheduled for tomorrow... "yaaay"... But it's long over due.
Mt. Laundry... Here I come, yet again.
OKay, not to get too deep here, but you know Eleanore Roosevelt said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"...
I wonder... How come it's so easy to give away that consent? I mean, it's not like you give it away on purpose... But people are masters of conquering that consent and put you down....And what really kills me is that it's for no reason what so ever....!
I'm probably not making any sense, but I just hate it when people try to bring you down for no reason... WHY?!
Well, enough sentimental babble for now... I'm sure there's more where that came from!
Nite nite bloglings!

Good evening!
More people added to the sponsor list! Click HERE to see it!

Well, my day hasn't been all that interesting... The migraine has been stuck since yesterday...
D & L were sweet to invite me to a delicious dinner, and Em was also there! It was so nice!
Dinner really was delicious, but the fact that milk and I aren't pals bugs me... I'm having stomach cramps....but it is so worth it! L makes yummie food :)
Well, I gotta get back to Full House...! Very important ;)
Later dudes!

Heey peeps,

How are you doing ?
I think I'm suffering from a migraine... Thus this short update...
I'm gonna go lie down and turn off all the lights...!

Cleaning out my closet... sorta.
Hey peeps, sorry I haven't updated today, I haven't been in the mood. I hate it when other people bring you down.
Sure, they can't bring you down without your consent, but sometimes it's just plain hard.
Anyway! I also wanted the other post to shine a bit more, I might actually update the same one a few more times, so bear with me! I'm just doing what I can to help Shangilia!
I just went through my closet, cleaned it out a bit. I have a few things I'm gonna give Mary when I see her, and I have a bunch of stuff for Gracie ♥
I also took 30 minutes to kick the crap out of my boxing bag. Man that felt great. I haven't been using it much lately, but sometimes when I hit with my right hand it hurts in the spot where I got that big bruise... So I try to take it easy.
I didn't have a sprain last time, but I don't want to get one either. Especially before I go to Kenya. After, I don't care :P
I'm gonna get back to pretending to clean.

Good night, sweethears!
Good evening peeps,

I've just spent the last couple of hours attaching pictures to my contacts in my phone book in my cell... Copying pictures from Facebook..
I'm gonna go relax to Full house season 4 (yes, I'm lovin' it!)

Phone irony and a new hair color!
Oh the irony....!

Okay, so this morning I decided to go to NetOnNet to talk to them about my phone, and the guy at the customer services was really really nice, and told me that I should change it to Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini Pro, cause even though it's smaller, it's a whole lot better, not to mention cheaper!
So I did, and I am not a proud owner of this little pretty thing:
And now to the irony... On the other one I could only update my blog with capital letters and the enter button didn't work.
On my new phone I can only write in lowercase, small letters, and the enter button doesn't work here either... SO! It's not the phone, it's, not working very well on the phone....! Oh well...!
Oh, did you notice the fact that I have RED hair? I though so ;)
I bought L'oreal Casting semi permanent color, Red copper, and I LOVE it!
It wasn't hard to do it by myself, but sure, I wouldn't mind an extra hand or two next time.
It didn't take long, and the best part, it didn't leave stains... which is good, cause I managed to get little spots all over the place! :P
Well, now I know I should stick to red. Red is my color! :)
I likes it! ;)
I'm gonna go get something to eat!
Later peeps!

Dolly Parton's brown haired twin and zombies. Just another day in Malmö?
Hey peeps,

Still haven't found a way to unlock the caps from my phone...
But the camera worked just fine!
Here's a picture of a Dolly Parton's brown haired twin... Gosh!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that the square was crawling with zombies!
I asked one of the what was up, and they said it was a flash mob to be...
I was too tired to stay and check it out.. But here's a preview:
Cool, eh?
Oooh, after the doctor's I walked around a bit before I sat down by the zombie square and as I walked by MATA's I saw a big sign saying 50% off, and in the window I saw Escada, with the red price tag.
Oh yes! I bought Escada for 215 SeK!!
Good thing it's pay day!

Greatest scent in the world!! I love it! But it didn't seem ok to spend 430 Sek for a tiny bottle...
Half off - oh hell yeah!
Well, well... I gotta go, John Stamos is calling! Mmmmm!
Later dudes! (Been watching way too much Full House...Michelle Tanner).

Pan pipes from Colombia

80's flash back with Full house
Damn, I need to get back to my normal sleeping pattern...

But I just can't seem to go to sleep at night... It's frustrating!
I don't like to sleep so late either... But I just can't seem to get up.
Today I'm going to the doctor at 3pm... And that's about all the plans I have today.
I should probably clean up around the apartment too... Well I'll get back to you on that :P
By the way...! Still watching Full house, currently on season 3... OMG with the colours, shoulder pads and gigantic hair styles and gazillion tons of hairspray... I have to say I'm glad that era is over!
Anyways, gotta get going!
More later!

Brief yet informative
Good evening everyone!
Guess what I got today ? A Sony Ericsson Vivaz Ui8 Pro! :)
Currently loading all the music to my new baby :)
Watching Full House and just relaxing! Brief but informative, eh?
Guess what I got today ? A Sony Ericsson Vivaz Ui8 Pro! :)
Currently loading all the music to my new baby :)
Watching Full House and just relaxing! Brief but informative, eh?