KENYA 2010-11-25 9pm: Westlands and Shangilia
2010-11-25 9pm
Good evening!
Well, this day has been somewhat different...!
I got up at around 6:30am, couldn’t sleep any longer. My knee was still hurting and was even more red this morning.
After breakfast I went back to my room, and I think the meds they gave me at the hospital makes me tired, cause I fell asleep on my bed… Only for like an hour…but still…
My plans to go see Mary N today fell through, cause I felt like I needed to take it easy.
Mary I had an interview today over at Westlands, so I went with her to find a place with wireless internet to try and save my sick sick computer.
Of course the internet was down in all of Westgate center… So when Mary I came back we went to PC World and asked if they could help. Sure, for 6800KSH they would install Kaspersky Antivirus for me…
I even located the hidden Recycler folder…. So it was a fact. My computer was infected.
Instead of paying an insane amount of money like that we went to ABC Plaza, and sat down at Java House. I uninstalled F-Secure and downloaded the Kaspersky free trial Internet security. The download alone took like an hour… but I decided to wait with the installation. Better to do it at the hostel later tonight.
Since the ABC Plaza is on the way to Kangemi we took a matatu to Kangemi… and arrived at Shangilia at around 4.30pm.
The kids had their P.E lesson, and were gonna have it until 6pm… So we just stayed for a while and then accompanied Delia to the matatu station.
…I found out the details about the teacher who had been killed…. And they were very unsettling…
Also, I experienced the WORST matatu ride so far! And they even charged more! The most I’ve paid is 40ksh. It’s supposed to be 20-30ksh. The matatu driver played insanely high music, and did NOT know how to drive. But he did know where the break was at! Crazy man!
Even though we left Kangemi at like 5.30pm, they still had to take a de-tour cause of the jam… That’s the one bad thing with matatus. Even though they’re supposed to drive a certain route…if there’s jam, they never do.
So once again, I arrived at Hilton. But it didn’t matter too much tonight, cause we went and picked up the movies for the kids and then Mary headed home, and I walked back toward the hostel. But I stopped by at Java, Koinange to get a Chai latté to go.
My knee has been such a pain today, and I know I’ve been pushing it… Since it’s swollen I should have been resting it today… But I just can’t. Not while I’m here. I have so many things I need to do!
Tomorrow I’m gonna go back to Nairobi hospital to pick up my x-ray scans and then I’m going to village market for a quick visit at masai market. (That is if my knee can take it).
Then I’ll go to Shangilia. Tomorrow the kids will finish their school too! It’s gonna be so nice!
This is it for now! Over and out!