KENYA 2010-11-22: Adam's Arcade & Shangilia
2010-11-22 8:45pm
Good evening!
Well, this morning I woke up at 6:30am – ish. After getting ready and I had breakfast I started walking down town. First I went in to a cyber café and updated my blog and checked my bank account.
Then I headed off to Hilton to take a bus to Adam’s Arcade and Toi market. When I got down there I asked (just in case) if number 46 goes to Adam’s even though I know it does. But the guy told me to take number 24.
Surely, that bus also took me to Adam’s and I think the guy told me that cause number 24 is faster than 46. What a nice bus person! :) So now you know, but 24 AND 46 goes to Adam’s.
At Adam’s they were all setting up for the day… So I just walked around and headed for Toi market. They were also setting up, but some had put up things for me to look at.
I bought so much stuff today! I was exhausted! I got so many t-shirts and sweaters and 11 more bras. Most of the shirts were 20-40 ksh each, so I got so, so, so many of them!
I found a few things for myself also… which was nice! :) A few tops and t-shirts.
When I was done at Adam’s and Toi, I took a bus back to Hilton, where I met up with Mary.
We went to Java, Mama Ngina st. and had some fruit salad, very nice.
It’s been so hot today as well! But I am NOT complaining!
Then we went to get some hair pieces (I got them for Cynthia, so when her hair is long enough, she’ll get braids again, like she had the first time I met her).
I also went to get a few movies for the kids. They gave me a list, so I’ll just have to see if I can find them all…!
Then we went to Java, Koinange lane to meet up with my other Mary! :) Unfortunately she got delayed, so we only got to spend like 20 minutes together, then we needed to head off to Shangilia.
We got a cab driver to agree on 700 ksh, and for that we also drove to YMCA first so that I could change t-shirts.
He tried to get more when we got to Shangilia, cause he said that we didn’t tell him that Shangilia was so far within the slum in Kangemi. BS!
At Shangilia I was going to hand out clothes, one by one.. But the kids stormed the room. It was a bit chaotic there for a while, but it calmed pretty quickly.
I have about 1200 ksh left, and tomorrow I will buy like 20 pair of pants for the boys. They sold them for 50Ksh each in Kangemi. Perfect!
I hung out with the kids, and Joyce wrote me the sweetest letter today… I read it as I was leaving Kangemi, and I wanted to cry. She’s such a wonderful kid!
I got to watch the kids practice their dance routine. They’re just awesome!
We even planned out the transportation for Saturday when I’m taking some of the kids to Nairobi Animal Orphanage… Shangilia apparently have a car, so we’re using that one! Perfect!
Mary and I left at around 5:45pm today and took a matatu back to the city.
We went to Java, Koinange and had dinner and totally relaxed. It was so nice.
We wrote down the plans we have for the rest of my stay, cause it feels like I’ve been making so many plans, but have no clue when or where :P Hakuna matata!
Relaxing in my room right now.
Tomorrow will be a very interesting day. Tell you more about that later!
Nighty night!
My girls, Mbeke, Caroline, Melvin, Joyce & Esther
The girls are practicing their dance routine