What is love ?

Is there such a thing as perfect love ?
Of course. In the movies.
The princess gets her prince. The woman gets the man she loves. The mas gets the woman he loves.
Even the kids get their sweethearts.
I'm a sucker for love. The one considered true love. Real love. A.k.a "movie love".

I have spent the last few days watching Dr. Quinn episodes. (I bought the entire dvd collection in the states).
I've always had a soft spot for western - anything, really! Little house on the prairie, Dr. Quinn, Pony Express... Anything about the western living, cowboys and indians...
I had the biggest crush on Sully... And I dreamt of a love like his and Dr. Mike's. In a way... I still do. Watching it all over again.
Heck, I even had a soft spot for Hank. Which one can find quite disturbing. After all, he's the drunken, saloon's man and town pimp... But when you get to see his soft spots... Even he can be charming. Go figure...
But Sully was always the hero. Nothing's changed. He still is.

What makes their love so perfect?
Cause it's on script? Sure.
But that's not what you're supposed to think about when you watch a TV show or movie... And I don't... When they're happy - I'm happy. When they're crying - I'm crying. When they spread their love - I can feel it too.
I think their love is so perfect just because it's not - perfect.
Maybe none of this makes sense to anyone else but me... But that doesn't matter. It's all clear to me. And that's all that counts.

I have so many more thoughts about all of this... But my mind isn't really clear right now. It hasn't been for a while now. And I don't know what to do about it all...
Everything's kind of messed up right now. And I'm sort of lost.
...I hope to find my way again.

Postat av: Anonym

"Just let your fears go, you might find your way back home

Let your fears go, you might find that you're not lost"


2009-09-20 @ 02:06:10


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