2009-05-04: Bye bye Africa... :(
This morning Dakota and I woke up at 4:15am... Gathered my things and then we went downstairs to take a cab to the airport...
I was as sour as a lemon, if not worse... (Sorry about that Dakota)... It was so incredibly hard to leave... and I just couldn't realize it... I didn't want to... :(
Dakota dropped me off at the airport... Then he went back to the Y and I checked in...
Walked around at the airport... My flight wasn't until 8:40am...!
And what did I find, if not a Java House!

They didn't have pancakes, so I had to settle for a raisin scone and a Malindi Chai latte...
And as I was about to pay I say a CD with Shangilia mtoto wa Africa(!!!) So I bought that one too! It's sooooo good! Can't stop listening to it! Brings me back to Shangilia... To the kids... The amazing Shangilia kids... NAKUPENDA!!!
I also bought a bottle of wine to bring for Tomas and his family....
It made it all the way to Amsterdam... then they confiscated it.. CURSE them!! It was no cheap wine... And I had to leave it by the carry on luggage control..
"Enjoy the damn wine then!!!" ... And then I left... Jerks.
The nice thing with the plane from Nairobi was that it was sooooo few people!
I had 3 seats to myself! I slept for most of the trip! Sooo nice!
I arrived in Gothenburg at around 7.40pm... It was cooooold! :(
And I spent the evening telling Tomas and his family about all the craziness I've experienced! :)
The next day I took the train at 9:42, with Sahel! :) It was really nice to see her again! :)
And yeah, I have to admit, it was sooooo good to see Anna again!! I have missed my lovely room mate so so much!
And well... Not even 5 minutes after I turned on my Swedish cell phone number, work people called me and asked if I wanted to work extra tomorrow (6/5-09)... And yeah, I'm low in cash and vacation days, so, yeah! why now?! :)
Since I had slept on the plane I think I was a bit jet lagged! Cause I had such a hard time going to sleep!
I think I went to sleep at 12.30!
And I started work at 4:57 the following day! Greeeeeat! :P
I was as sour as a lemon, if not worse... (Sorry about that Dakota)... It was so incredibly hard to leave... and I just couldn't realize it... I didn't want to... :(
Dakota dropped me off at the airport... Then he went back to the Y and I checked in...
Walked around at the airport... My flight wasn't until 8:40am...!
And what did I find, if not a Java House!

They didn't have pancakes, so I had to settle for a raisin scone and a Malindi Chai latte...
And as I was about to pay I say a CD with Shangilia mtoto wa Africa(!!!) So I bought that one too! It's sooooo good! Can't stop listening to it! Brings me back to Shangilia... To the kids... The amazing Shangilia kids... NAKUPENDA!!!
I also bought a bottle of wine to bring for Tomas and his family....
It made it all the way to Amsterdam... then they confiscated it.. CURSE them!! It was no cheap wine... And I had to leave it by the carry on luggage control..
"Enjoy the damn wine then!!!" ... And then I left... Jerks.
The nice thing with the plane from Nairobi was that it was sooooo few people!
I had 3 seats to myself! I slept for most of the trip! Sooo nice!
I arrived in Gothenburg at around 7.40pm... It was cooooold! :(
And I spent the evening telling Tomas and his family about all the craziness I've experienced! :)
The next day I took the train at 9:42, with Sahel! :) It was really nice to see her again! :)
And yeah, I have to admit, it was sooooo good to see Anna again!! I have missed my lovely room mate so so much!
And well... Not even 5 minutes after I turned on my Swedish cell phone number, work people called me and asked if I wanted to work extra tomorrow (6/5-09)... And yeah, I'm low in cash and vacation days, so, yeah! why now?! :)
Since I had slept on the plane I think I was a bit jet lagged! Cause I had such a hard time going to sleep!
I think I went to sleep at 12.30!
And I started work at 4:57 the following day! Greeeeeat! :P
