2009-04-29: 15 000 Ksh fine for sitting on a concrete wall ?
Today I got up at like 7:30 am... Then I went to the cyber café to check some addresses so I could send those damn post cards!
Don't be disappointed if you don't get one... I AM thinking of you I just don't have the energy to send more than to the grandparents (who are in fact expecting) :P
Then I went downtown and walked around ... Went to the post office...stamps and all that...
And then I just walked around, waiting for Hannah to arrive.
I went shopping at Hilton Arcade... They still have the 20% off and mainly just cheap stuff!
Then I made the mistake of sitting down on a concrete wall at the opposite sidewalk of Hilton... As I was still waiting for Hannah...
She came and we just sat down for a while...
...Then this man came up to us:
The guy: Hello, I'm working for the city counsil.... I must tell you it is not allowed to sit here....
Us: Oh, sorry, we'll move! We're going now anyway...
The guy: No, no, sit, sit, relax....
Us: Okaaaay...
The guy: (pointing) You see those benches overe there, those are for sitting, not here on the concrete wall...
Us: Yeeees... We'll just go!
The guy: No, see now you must pay a small charge, because you're sitting here...
Me: How much??
The guy: Only 15 000 Ksh (=1500 SEK = 150 Euro)
Us: Oh heeeeell no...
And then we got up and walked away!
I called Mary right away and she said it's true and we could even have gone to jail for it, that is if we would not have paid! (DAMN!)
But she also said that the guy should have had a yellow jacket on (which the city council dudes have), but this guy didn't...!
Then we realized that the guy was following us, so we just started walking faster...
Eventually we decided to go to the City Market... And as we were asking a police officer for assistance the man showed up again(!!) And went up to the police and shook hands with him...
I just yelled out ''stop following us!'' And we went away again... Decided to get in to a cab to go to the City market to lose the guy!
....Aaaand we were just one block away! :P Hehe, and the cab driver sooo took advantage of that and charged us 200 Ksh for the trip!
We didn't care though... We lost the guy!
Then Hannah and walked around at the city market for a while... and I bought a new necklace, a bracelet and a kikoy! :)
Damn I'm good at haggling ;)
Then we went to Capital Centre for the tattoos!
Hannah got her Maasai warrior on her foot and I decided to wait since I'm at Shangilia, and it's dirty, and I'm going to Kiserian on Friday where there is no running water... So I wouldn't be able to clean it... :/
Hannah's tattoo looks awesome though! She made it herself, which is even cooler! :)
The tattoo artist is from England and he was really nice, I can really recommend this place! They spent 30 minutes cleaning the place before we could enter. They really take the clean-ness seriously!
We also ate at an African restaurant at Capital Centre.
Hannah had Ugali and chicken... and I had samosas (yuuuuum!!)
Then we went to Capitol Hill Towers to meet up with Bo...
Hannah had to leave for Thogoto though... She's going home tonight :'(
Nakupenda wewe safiii! :)
Then I followed Bo to Karen ...
We played some Uno and had a really nice time!
We also went to Nakumatt Karen and I stocked up on tea....!
Later we went to oh-so-famous-Carnivore!
It sure was amazing and the food was great!
But the only exotic meat they had on the menu was ostrich meat balls.... And yeah, they were ok...!
We ended up ordering from the á la carte... Cause otherwise it would be like 2200 Ksh per person, and that would be ''all you can eat'' price...
But we weren't really that hungry, so we just went for the menu.
And I had a wonderful pepper steak! Medium rare :)

Now I'm back at the Y and I'm about to go to bed... I'm so tired!! :)
Nighty nighty!
Don't be disappointed if you don't get one... I AM thinking of you I just don't have the energy to send more than to the grandparents (who are in fact expecting) :P
Then I went downtown and walked around ... Went to the post office...stamps and all that...
And then I just walked around, waiting for Hannah to arrive.
I went shopping at Hilton Arcade... They still have the 20% off and mainly just cheap stuff!
Then I made the mistake of sitting down on a concrete wall at the opposite sidewalk of Hilton... As I was still waiting for Hannah...
She came and we just sat down for a while...
...Then this man came up to us:
The guy: Hello, I'm working for the city counsil.... I must tell you it is not allowed to sit here....
Us: Oh, sorry, we'll move! We're going now anyway...
The guy: No, no, sit, sit, relax....
Us: Okaaaay...
The guy: (pointing) You see those benches overe there, those are for sitting, not here on the concrete wall...
Us: Yeeees... We'll just go!
The guy: No, see now you must pay a small charge, because you're sitting here...
Me: How much??
The guy: Only 15 000 Ksh (=1500 SEK = 150 Euro)
Us: Oh heeeeell no...
And then we got up and walked away!
I called Mary right away and she said it's true and we could even have gone to jail for it, that is if we would not have paid! (DAMN!)
But she also said that the guy should have had a yellow jacket on (which the city council dudes have), but this guy didn't...!
Then we realized that the guy was following us, so we just started walking faster...
Eventually we decided to go to the City Market... And as we were asking a police officer for assistance the man showed up again(!!) And went up to the police and shook hands with him...
I just yelled out ''stop following us!'' And we went away again... Decided to get in to a cab to go to the City market to lose the guy!
....Aaaand we were just one block away! :P Hehe, and the cab driver sooo took advantage of that and charged us 200 Ksh for the trip!
We didn't care though... We lost the guy!
Then Hannah and walked around at the city market for a while... and I bought a new necklace, a bracelet and a kikoy! :)
Damn I'm good at haggling ;)
Then we went to Capital Centre for the tattoos!
Hannah got her Maasai warrior on her foot and I decided to wait since I'm at Shangilia, and it's dirty, and I'm going to Kiserian on Friday where there is no running water... So I wouldn't be able to clean it... :/
Hannah's tattoo looks awesome though! She made it herself, which is even cooler! :)
The tattoo artist is from England and he was really nice, I can really recommend this place! They spent 30 minutes cleaning the place before we could enter. They really take the clean-ness seriously!
We also ate at an African restaurant at Capital Centre.
Hannah had Ugali and chicken... and I had samosas (yuuuuum!!)
Then we went to Capitol Hill Towers to meet up with Bo...
Hannah had to leave for Thogoto though... She's going home tonight :'(
Nakupenda wewe safiii! :)
Then I followed Bo to Karen ...
We played some Uno and had a really nice time!
We also went to Nakumatt Karen and I stocked up on tea....!
Later we went to oh-so-famous-Carnivore!
It sure was amazing and the food was great!
But the only exotic meat they had on the menu was ostrich meat balls.... And yeah, they were ok...!
We ended up ordering from the á la carte... Cause otherwise it would be like 2200 Ksh per person, and that would be ''all you can eat'' price...
But we weren't really that hungry, so we just went for the menu.
And I had a wonderful pepper steak! Medium rare :)

Now I'm back at the Y and I'm about to go to bed... I'm so tired!! :)
Nighty nighty!
