2009-04-27: Visit in Karen - Shangilia - Sleepless in Nairobi
Not to give away too much here, let's just say Hanna came to the Y at around 8am this morning.
Don't bother ask where she's been, I won't tell you :P
...And we had breakfast together.
After that we went to Karen (took a YMCA cab to Nakumatt Junction and Dakota's and Bo's cab driver picked us up).
We ended up playing UNO together for a while... I won! :)
We were supposed to go horse back riding, but it was pouring down today!
So, instead we went to visit a friend of Dakota and Bo, her name is Fiona, she's so awesome. She grew up in Kenya and speaks kiswahili fluently and she's a pilot!
Enjoyed talking and drinking tea at her place :)
Hannah had dropped her cell phone on the YMCA cab, so in the afternoon we went back to the Y to pick it up and then we took a cab out to Capital Centre to look up a tattoo artist. We wanted to get tattoos together! :)
...Just to find that it was closed....
Soo, we went back to the Y and Hannah got her stuff together... Then I was going to take a cab to Shangilia, but we dropped Hannah at Backpacker's Heaven on River rd first... (Damn that traffic jam!)
Today I brought 2 Lakers basketball t-shirts to Sammy and Julius, which they really liked! :)
...Before I left Shangilia today they gave me a letter... It was just so so so sweet!!
I'm just gonna leave it at that.
I didn't spend much time at Shangilia today, cause it was already late... And I left at around 5pm to go to Nairobi and meet up with Mary at Java House (of course!) ;)
Oh! Today at Capital Centre I bought this anti-itch hair spray, cause my scalp was quite itchy from the dreads...
...When I came home at night and put some spray in... I noticed it had the exact opposite effect on me...
It started itching so so so bad I only slept for like 2-3 hours that night...
And I had to try and cut off the dreads myself... It was so so so so so so sooooo awful!!! You have no idea! I was going CRAZY!!!
...So did I end up removing my dreads?
Don't bother ask where she's been, I won't tell you :P
...And we had breakfast together.
After that we went to Karen (took a YMCA cab to Nakumatt Junction and Dakota's and Bo's cab driver picked us up).
We ended up playing UNO together for a while... I won! :)
We were supposed to go horse back riding, but it was pouring down today!
So, instead we went to visit a friend of Dakota and Bo, her name is Fiona, she's so awesome. She grew up in Kenya and speaks kiswahili fluently and she's a pilot!
Enjoyed talking and drinking tea at her place :)
Hannah had dropped her cell phone on the YMCA cab, so in the afternoon we went back to the Y to pick it up and then we took a cab out to Capital Centre to look up a tattoo artist. We wanted to get tattoos together! :)
...Just to find that it was closed....
Soo, we went back to the Y and Hannah got her stuff together... Then I was going to take a cab to Shangilia, but we dropped Hannah at Backpacker's Heaven on River rd first... (Damn that traffic jam!)
Today I brought 2 Lakers basketball t-shirts to Sammy and Julius, which they really liked! :)
...Before I left Shangilia today they gave me a letter... It was just so so so sweet!!
I'm just gonna leave it at that.
I didn't spend much time at Shangilia today, cause it was already late... And I left at around 5pm to go to Nairobi and meet up with Mary at Java House (of course!) ;)
Oh! Today at Capital Centre I bought this anti-itch hair spray, cause my scalp was quite itchy from the dreads...
...When I came home at night and put some spray in... I noticed it had the exact opposite effect on me...
It started itching so so so bad I only slept for like 2-3 hours that night...
And I had to try and cut off the dreads myself... It was so so so so so so sooooo awful!!! You have no idea! I was going CRAZY!!!
...So did I end up removing my dreads?
