2009-04-18: Adventure in the Kenyan outback!
Okay, so after breakfast I basically just stood by the window and enjoyed the scenery and took a bunch of pictures. Awesome!
When we got to the "village" Maji ya chumvi (village = a couple of "houses" in the bush)... A bunch of kids ran up to the train and I ended up giving away all my cashews, a water bottle, soap, and blank papers....
After some time there I realized we had been staying at Maji ya chumvi for quite some time... Like 30 minutes or so... They didn't have an info system, so no one knew what was going on...
Eventually one person who walked by told me that a cargo train had tipped over and blocked the railroad... Noooo passing...
And they didn't know when we would be able to drive again...
And it was very hard to get an idea of how close we were to Mombasa.... Some people said 4 hours... some said 2 hours... and I think someone said 40 minutes... So yeah... It's nice with crystal clear info, yeah? ;)
But when the clock hit 10am, I kind of realized we wouldn't be in Mombasa on time (estimated arrival time is 9:30-10:00am) :P
My neighbor and I started talking, his name is sherif, he's from Atlanta... totally awesome guy! He was a lot of fun!
Eventually we heard that the estimated arrival time to Mombasa would be 2pm... ''yaaay''.
Hannah and I took a walk in the bush, just talking, taking pictures and hanging with the kids... We were kind of bored being stuck on the train!
Suddenly we heard the signal from the train, which you heard at every station along the way when it was time to depart. So we ran! ...Just to find out that the train was just backing up... To the closest road.
Sherif told me that they had been told that they were backing up to another station (a bigger one) so people could take busses or matatus or cabs from there.
But it ust backed up to the main road and there it stood for hours more!
More and more people started to get off and jump on passing matatus and cabs...
I wasn't sure what I was going to do... But Sherif and another girl, Amina said they were going to take a cab and offered me to tag along...
I still wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to stay on the train...
Oh! Gotta tell you about the Brittish girls who were so incredibly drunk! (yes! THAT early!) And they decided to take a walk in the bush... While we were at Maji ya chumvi... They took their luggage and started walking (trembling) in to what looked like no where... Looking for the main road.
We all thought that would be the last to we'd see of them... Drunk, a lot of luggage, CRAZY heat... Oh yeah. Ideal combo! Then again, when you're drunk I'm sure it makes all the sense in the world! ;)
Then I ran into another American, who I had just talked to briefly the previous night (I think he was the one to yell out ''I can't believe there's a German who actuallt knows Sweet Home Alabama on guitarr")...
He told me he was calling the guy who were supposed to pick him and his son in Mombasa, to pick them up in Maji ya chumvi instead, and offered me to tag along, and that's when I decided that would be my next move.
It felt the most safe out of all the options.
So, this guy, his name is Bo, by the way and his son Dakota and I hung out in the restaurant wagon, waiting for their cab guy. We ended up having such a good time together! I'm so glad I stayed! They are both so awesome!
And Dakota sure has a sweet smile! :)
At around 2pm the cab driver, Eric, finally got there!
But they had driven the train back to Maji ya chumvi and there were no roads to that place... But the cab driver made it anyway... buuuut something happened to something called a muffler(?) Which probably wasn't good...
But we were still able to drive to Mombasa.... But it was such an awful ''road'' back to the main road! Woah!
I think it took about one hour to Mombasa... I didn't really notice, I was just so glad to be on my way! I had ''lost'' an entire day in Mombasa... Then again, I ended up having such a good time, so it was totally worth it!
When we finally got to Mombasa... OMG! It is so different from Nairobi! Amazing!
You could really tell that Islam was the main religion there... Hijabs everywhere! Poor women! In THAT heat! Pheeeew!
We drove past the famous elephant tusks, to a restaurant to have some drinks and ending up in a casino... Just for a sec though, and we didn't play.... Yet we were there! :P
How did I get so lucky? Meeting awesome people like this?! :D
Then we headed for Diani Beach.
We had to take the ferry (which might actually be the ferry, used when filming The white maasai... Where Carola and Lemalian first met?).
Our first stop was at Forty Thieves, a very popular bar in Diani. I can understand why!
A bar/restaurant located ON the beach.. White sandy beaches and palm trees... Mmmhm! Amazing!
When we parked the car and got out we could see monkeys in the trees, greeting us! :P Soo cool!
This is when I called Diana to ask if she could meet us at Forty Thieves and pick me up there...
...Just to find out that she thought I said I'm heading to NYALI beach (where she works) and NOT Diani Beach...
Nyali is located about 2 hours north of Diani.... I was soooo in the wrong place! :P
Buuuut not to worry, it all worked out perfectly!
I ended up staying with Dakota and Bo in their guest house (which is AMAZING by the way!)
Haha! And GUESS who we met as we entered Forty Thieves??
The Brittish girls!!! Apparently they had found the main road and either hitch hiked or actually got a matatu and had been at Forty Thieves since noon(!!!)
We arrived at around 6:30!
AND! That is about the time I got a text from Hannah, who stayed on the train... That's when the train arrived in Mombasa(!!!) Just 9 hours later than planned!
And some info to those train geeks out there:
The train staff in Kenya maked 15 000 Kenyan Shilling per month (=1500 Sek = 150 Euro). And that's a fixed salary, and they didn't get paid overtime for those 9 hours in the bush!
Anyway! Before Dakota, Bo and I went to their place they wanted to show me another place called Ali Barbour's cave, which is next to Forty Thieves... It's a restuarant which is built in a real cave, that used to be the home of leopards!! It was sooooo awesome! You really need to see that place! it was AMAZING!!!
Then we drove off to the guest house, at Coco nut grove (?)... And as we drove there, baboons kept crossing the road! So cool!
And ooooh, the house.... WOW! it was amazing! I'll see if I can upload some pics later on... You just have to see it. Incredible! :)
2 bedrooms (King size beds baby!) and a big livingroom upstairs and a huge porch!
Oh, and just so you know... That shower... Mmmmhm, I'd been waiting hours for that shower! They hadn't even turned on the hot water... So I took a cold shower, but it was so amazing!
The humidity was crazy in Mombasa!!! :P
Later in the evening when everyone had showered and had fresh clothes we went to a café right next to the house to have some evening tea... it was really cozy!
It was realy dark when we walked back, and even though it was right next door, it took quite a while to get back cause that night sky... It was so amazing... I have never seen anything like it before... I could just stand there and watch it forever! AMAZING!!!
Dakota and I stayed up talking like all night on the porch and listened to music... I think we slept a total of 2 hours!
...Which meant a total of 4 hours in 48 hours for me... Since I didn't get too much sleep on the train! :P
More soon!

When we got to the "village" Maji ya chumvi (village = a couple of "houses" in the bush)... A bunch of kids ran up to the train and I ended up giving away all my cashews, a water bottle, soap, and blank papers....
After some time there I realized we had been staying at Maji ya chumvi for quite some time... Like 30 minutes or so... They didn't have an info system, so no one knew what was going on...
Eventually one person who walked by told me that a cargo train had tipped over and blocked the railroad... Noooo passing...
And they didn't know when we would be able to drive again...
And it was very hard to get an idea of how close we were to Mombasa.... Some people said 4 hours... some said 2 hours... and I think someone said 40 minutes... So yeah... It's nice with crystal clear info, yeah? ;)
But when the clock hit 10am, I kind of realized we wouldn't be in Mombasa on time (estimated arrival time is 9:30-10:00am) :P
My neighbor and I started talking, his name is sherif, he's from Atlanta... totally awesome guy! He was a lot of fun!
Eventually we heard that the estimated arrival time to Mombasa would be 2pm... ''yaaay''.
Hannah and I took a walk in the bush, just talking, taking pictures and hanging with the kids... We were kind of bored being stuck on the train!
Suddenly we heard the signal from the train, which you heard at every station along the way when it was time to depart. So we ran! ...Just to find out that the train was just backing up... To the closest road.
Sherif told me that they had been told that they were backing up to another station (a bigger one) so people could take busses or matatus or cabs from there.
But it ust backed up to the main road and there it stood for hours more!
More and more people started to get off and jump on passing matatus and cabs...
I wasn't sure what I was going to do... But Sherif and another girl, Amina said they were going to take a cab and offered me to tag along...
I still wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to stay on the train...
Oh! Gotta tell you about the Brittish girls who were so incredibly drunk! (yes! THAT early!) And they decided to take a walk in the bush... While we were at Maji ya chumvi... They took their luggage and started walking (trembling) in to what looked like no where... Looking for the main road.
We all thought that would be the last to we'd see of them... Drunk, a lot of luggage, CRAZY heat... Oh yeah. Ideal combo! Then again, when you're drunk I'm sure it makes all the sense in the world! ;)
Then I ran into another American, who I had just talked to briefly the previous night (I think he was the one to yell out ''I can't believe there's a German who actuallt knows Sweet Home Alabama on guitarr")...
He told me he was calling the guy who were supposed to pick him and his son in Mombasa, to pick them up in Maji ya chumvi instead, and offered me to tag along, and that's when I decided that would be my next move.
It felt the most safe out of all the options.
So, this guy, his name is Bo, by the way and his son Dakota and I hung out in the restaurant wagon, waiting for their cab guy. We ended up having such a good time together! I'm so glad I stayed! They are both so awesome!
And Dakota sure has a sweet smile! :)
At around 2pm the cab driver, Eric, finally got there!
But they had driven the train back to Maji ya chumvi and there were no roads to that place... But the cab driver made it anyway... buuuut something happened to something called a muffler(?) Which probably wasn't good...
But we were still able to drive to Mombasa.... But it was such an awful ''road'' back to the main road! Woah!
I think it took about one hour to Mombasa... I didn't really notice, I was just so glad to be on my way! I had ''lost'' an entire day in Mombasa... Then again, I ended up having such a good time, so it was totally worth it!
When we finally got to Mombasa... OMG! It is so different from Nairobi! Amazing!
You could really tell that Islam was the main religion there... Hijabs everywhere! Poor women! In THAT heat! Pheeeew!
We drove past the famous elephant tusks, to a restaurant to have some drinks and ending up in a casino... Just for a sec though, and we didn't play.... Yet we were there! :P
How did I get so lucky? Meeting awesome people like this?! :D
Then we headed for Diani Beach.
We had to take the ferry (which might actually be the ferry, used when filming The white maasai... Where Carola and Lemalian first met?).
Our first stop was at Forty Thieves, a very popular bar in Diani. I can understand why!
A bar/restaurant located ON the beach.. White sandy beaches and palm trees... Mmmhm! Amazing!
When we parked the car and got out we could see monkeys in the trees, greeting us! :P Soo cool!
This is when I called Diana to ask if she could meet us at Forty Thieves and pick me up there...
...Just to find out that she thought I said I'm heading to NYALI beach (where she works) and NOT Diani Beach...
Nyali is located about 2 hours north of Diani.... I was soooo in the wrong place! :P
Buuuut not to worry, it all worked out perfectly!
I ended up staying with Dakota and Bo in their guest house (which is AMAZING by the way!)
Haha! And GUESS who we met as we entered Forty Thieves??
The Brittish girls!!! Apparently they had found the main road and either hitch hiked or actually got a matatu and had been at Forty Thieves since noon(!!!)
We arrived at around 6:30!
AND! That is about the time I got a text from Hannah, who stayed on the train... That's when the train arrived in Mombasa(!!!) Just 9 hours later than planned!
And some info to those train geeks out there:
The train staff in Kenya maked 15 000 Kenyan Shilling per month (=1500 Sek = 150 Euro). And that's a fixed salary, and they didn't get paid overtime for those 9 hours in the bush!
Anyway! Before Dakota, Bo and I went to their place they wanted to show me another place called Ali Barbour's cave, which is next to Forty Thieves... It's a restuarant which is built in a real cave, that used to be the home of leopards!! It was sooooo awesome! You really need to see that place! it was AMAZING!!!
Then we drove off to the guest house, at Coco nut grove (?)... And as we drove there, baboons kept crossing the road! So cool!
And ooooh, the house.... WOW! it was amazing! I'll see if I can upload some pics later on... You just have to see it. Incredible! :)
2 bedrooms (King size beds baby!) and a big livingroom upstairs and a huge porch!
Oh, and just so you know... That shower... Mmmmhm, I'd been waiting hours for that shower! They hadn't even turned on the hot water... So I took a cold shower, but it was so amazing!
The humidity was crazy in Mombasa!!! :P
Later in the evening when everyone had showered and had fresh clothes we went to a café right next to the house to have some evening tea... it was really cozy!
It was realy dark when we walked back, and even though it was right next door, it took quite a while to get back cause that night sky... It was so amazing... I have never seen anything like it before... I could just stand there and watch it forever! AMAZING!!!
Dakota and I stayed up talking like all night on the porch and listened to music... I think we slept a total of 2 hours!
...Which meant a total of 4 hours in 48 hours for me... Since I didn't get too much sleep on the train! :P
More soon!
