Heeeey guys! ...
Heeeey guys!
I am soooooo exhausted!!!
Yesterday was SUCH a long day!
We went to the car rental place straight after work... And picked up the car at around 10:30am...
Then we went straight to my place and started packing boxes in the car... It actually went pretty smoothly... It only was 17 boxes!
And then I burned some mixed CD's for the road (that is a must)... And then we hit the road!
...Pretty soon we realized we didn't have a map... but ey... That's half the fun, right? ;)
We just followed signs and hoped for the best...
Singing on choir to Ted Gärdestad - Jag vill ha en egen måne and other awesome music! We had a blast! I just wished I could drive too! :P
Anyway, we we're going to make a pit stop at IKEA... And decided to make it in Älmhult... Which was a good idea, cause I found the book case I wanted on discount!
We also stopped for lunch there... Yum! :)
Then we hit the road again... And we reached Nybro around 5pm-ish...
And un-loading the van went pretty fast too... Then we went to ICA to buy some food to bring on our way back... And it was a loooooooong way back....! But we still had a lot of fun! ;)
We didn't get back until like 10pm! And we still had A LOT of stuff to move from my apartment to the new one... But we we're sooo tired, we decided to just take the bed. (Good call)...
I slept sooooo good tonight!
But we still had to get up at 9am and continue moving stuff this morning... (YAWN!)
And I realized I have so so much crap!
...And I am soooo glad we're done!
I was supposed to clean the old apartment today, but I'm just too tired! I started organizing things here instead... And well, Now I'm updating my blog instead... You do the math ;)
Anyway, I'm gonna go to to African Dance soon! I'm way too tired to go, but I'm going anyway! :)
I know I'll feel better afterwards!
This is it for now, more later!
Take care!