Love living with Anna! :)
This morning we went grocery shopping together... Even that's fun now ;)
And when we got home I made us dinnet. Tagiatelle (spelling??) with chili sauce with mushrooms (not that kind of mushrooms...!), ham and red peppers...
Today I actually have the day off (only day this week tho')... Later I'm gonna meet Cili,I hope... and later tonight I'm going to A&C for boxing class. Man, am I looking forward to that!
Gosh, even though I'm not working, I'm so tired... And just thinking about working the rest of the week. Depressing...!
All these things that I'm supposed to do.. like washing the dishes, taking care of the laundry... Just seems like SUCH an effort... Eeeh, I'll get to it...
Right now I'm gonna chill in the couch...
Later people!
Just another day...!
But ey, I'm here now ? ;)
I'm waiting to go to Karlskrona at the moment... 6:28am.
Oh, yesterday Anna and I made dinner together... Chicken, with a great garlic marinade and potatoes and carrots in the oven... Yuuumm! But it sure was heavy on the garlic... Pheee-eew! :)
And at 6:00pm I went to A&C for Core, and at 6:30 Anna joined me for Afro Power Dance... It was great!
I'm still hoping I'll be able to recruit Anna to A&C! :)
Tonight I'm going to BodyCombat... I'm so hooked on that and boxing! It's such a great way to work out... Especially when you work at DSB... Great anger management! ;)
Tomorrow I have the day off and that will be great! But it's the only day off this week... Anxiety's rushing over me with the weekend I have ahead... Oh well!
I'm off to the train! "weeee"
Later peeps!
Lazy weekend...!
Heey peeps!
What's going on?
I'm at home in the sofa enjoying an OC marathon... Totally cheesy, I know... But it's good to relax to.. :)
This morning...or noon... I went to Body Pump and Core.. Really nice!
Can't wait for tomorrow though... Afro Dance and Core on the menu! :)
Though, next week is a killer week... Only free on Wednesday... What an interesting life, right?
Work, work, work...
...I know that's spring is coming.. it's like right there, on the door step... But I'm just really longing for summer, the sun, warm days... I think it's from watching the OC all weekend... I really miss Cali...!
Not to mention bagels with creme cheese...!
I gotta find a decent bagel place here somewhere... Sure sucks that there's no Dunkin Donuts here... I'd so be there every morning..!
Well.. I'm gonna get back to the OC and then go to bed early...
Start at 6:01am tomorrow... :(
Nighty night!
I know I've sucked big time on the updates...
But between work and moving and going to A&C... I'm just so totally exhausted...
And cranky old ladies sure aren't helping!
BUT! Now I'm at home... enjoying the fact that I have the entire weekend off... Which I'm sure will pass like THAT... But still...!
Tomorrow I'm going to Afro Dance at 10am... Can't wait! :D
I'll update more when I get the chance!
Be safe out there!
Quick update before bed!
Just a quick update, as I'm heading for bed!
I've spent most of the day in the old apartment, cleaning it out... OMG that is boring!!!
But now I'm pretty much done... I hope I pass the inspection...!
At 6:30pm Anna and I went to BodyCombat at A&C.. It was great! But man, oh man.. The guy was going at it tonight! He was crazy!!! But afterwards it felt great!
Signed up for Boxing tomorrow as well :)
Anna and I just watched ''John Tucker must die'' and ate some B&J's... It was goooood! :)
And now I'm totally exhausted... And I have to get up for work at around 7:30am.. I know! I get to sleep in, how awesome is that? ;)
Sleep tight!
Heeeey guys! ...
Heeeey guys!
I am soooooo exhausted!!!
Yesterday was SUCH a long day!
We went to the car rental place straight after work... And picked up the car at around 10:30am...
Then we went straight to my place and started packing boxes in the car... It actually went pretty smoothly... It only was 17 boxes!
And then I burned some mixed CD's for the road (that is a must)... And then we hit the road!
...Pretty soon we realized we didn't have a map... but ey... That's half the fun, right? ;)
We just followed signs and hoped for the best...
Singing on choir to Ted Gärdestad - Jag vill ha en egen måne and other awesome music! We had a blast! I just wished I could drive too! :P
Anyway, we we're going to make a pit stop at IKEA... And decided to make it in Älmhult... Which was a good idea, cause I found the book case I wanted on discount!
We also stopped for lunch there... Yum! :)
Then we hit the road again... And we reached Nybro around 5pm-ish...
And un-loading the van went pretty fast too... Then we went to ICA to buy some food to bring on our way back... And it was a loooooooong way back....! But we still had a lot of fun! ;)
We didn't get back until like 10pm! And we still had A LOT of stuff to move from my apartment to the new one... But we we're sooo tired, we decided to just take the bed. (Good call)...
I slept sooooo good tonight!
But we still had to get up at 9am and continue moving stuff this morning... (YAWN!)
And I realized I have so so much crap!
...And I am soooo glad we're done!
I was supposed to clean the old apartment today, but I'm just too tired! I started organizing things here instead... And well, Now I'm updating my blog instead... You do the math ;)
Anyway, I'm gonna go to to African Dance soon! I'm way too tired to go, but I'm going anyway! :)
I know I'll feel better afterwards!
This is it for now, more later!
Take care!
Moving day tomorrow! :D
Tomorrow I'm moving in with Anna!!! :D
I'm just about done in my apartment now... Anna was just here and we moved some stuff over to the new place (well, it's new for me, anyways!) :)
I can't wait! :D
After work tomorrow Anna and I will go to the car rental place to pick up the car, and then we'll pick up Alex, and we'll pack the boxes in the car... Then it's off to Småland!
I'm actually going to bed soon... I have to get up at around 4am tomorrow (sigh)...
I'll check back here when I get the chance! It might be a bit of a desert here until I'm settled at the new place :)
Be patient! I'll be back! :)
Friday the 13th is a bitch!
Yeah I should never have left my bed this morning...
It all started when I was on my way to the train... I sprained my ankle... It wasn't bad though... But that's when I felt like ''uh oh... not a good day ahead''.
You think it was that thought that made my day like crap? I dunno...
The trip up to Växjö was pretty smooth... Until people in Alvesta wanted to go with my train to Växjö, with SJ tickets... Instead of waiting for 20 minutes... I made an announcement in the speakers before we left that if you have SJ tickets for the 8:44 train, YOU NEED TO TAKE THAT ONE, cause those tickets aren't valid on my train. If you DO have them, you'll need to buy new tickets from me, with the additional cost of 100 SEK on board...
...And when I went to check tickets 2 people had to buy tickets... And were still mad at me for it... Gosh...
Then a man yelled at me in Växjö... cause it didn't say on the door which wagon was which... (We JUST arrived, so the driver hadn't put it up yet...It did show after like a minute though...)
But he was really mad, and took it all out on me... pooor poor little me...
Then on the trip down to Malmö, people were just so rude!
They were mad at me for now having a coffée machine on board... or a coffée/snack cart... They were upset when I wanted to check their tickets... They went in to the first class section, and refused to pay the additional cost, and got mad when I asked them to move out to 2nd class... Cause there were like 20 people on board, TOPS!
NOT like it was crowded....! Siiiiiiiigh!
Then this black woman was just soooo weird! When I asked for her ticket she was staring MAD at me! She still gave me her ticket and it was totally ok.. No probs what so ever... But every time I passed her seat she stared MAD! I started to wonder if it said "POOP" on my forehead in capital letters....?
But I didn't want to say anything... She looked furious, and I didn't want to start World War III!
I was totally bummed out after that trip... and it was the first trip of the day. Promising start!
When I got to Malmö I found out that the train that was behind us had hit a person between Malmö and Lund... So there were no trains running between Malmö-Lund for like 2 hours or so...!
I had my break though, so I didn't care... But it was kind of creepy that I could so easily have been my train... :/
Selfish bastard to commit suicide by throwing him/her -self infront of a train....!
One nice surprise at work though...
My team leader called me in... and I was like '' Doh, what have I done now..." But she gave me two movie tickets and was very pleased with me...! :)
My co-worker had written a letter to her saying I made outstanding announcements in the speakers the other day, both in Swedish and in English...
I didn't know what to say... But that totally made my day! :D It was so nice to be appreciated like that! :)
Then at 12:38 I was gonna go to Ängelholm... But the trains still weren't running between Malmö-Lund, so at first we were like 10 minutes delayed from Malmö Central, because we needed to get permission to go on another way... (Straight to Kävlinge from Malmö C)...
And when we did get to go... we drove for about 3 minutes then the signals were red... And we had to wait... FOR 20 MINUTES!
There was only one track and A LOT of trains had to share it... and that summarized MANY delays.....!
But when we finally did get to drive they told us that we could go to Lund after all, cause they were done... cleaning the tracks..
Which was good, cause there was one guy who was listening to his MP3 Player when I made the announcements that the train DID NOT go to Lund... And of course he was furious with me when I told him he'd have to go to Kävlinge and then go back to Lund from there... At least he was happy...
But after that, we stopped at every station on our way to Helsingborg, and people were just so angry! With me! It was all my fault! And I treat the customers of Skånetrafiken badly...
I was like '' You DO realize that someone DIED today, right..."
-"Still! You have costumers to take care of, you need to do a better job, We have other places to be at than being stuck at a fucking station or on this fucking train"...
OMG!!!! I didn't know if I was gonna laugh or cry... ( I wanted to cry!)
We only got as far as Helsingborg, then we were cancelled the last bit to Ängelholm (not popular)... And many people thought we were the train to Gothenburg, but when I told them they had to change trains in Helsingborg (even less popular!!!)
Then we were supposed to leave Helsingborg at 2:27...But When the driver was going to change end of the train, the break system broke down... and we had to re-start the train a few times to get it working...
Promising start from Helsingborg...
The train was really full on the way down to Malmö, especially in Lund... There was a lot of people...
I was so tired in body and mind I just did NOT want to go on my last trip to Copenhagen Airport and back...
But I had to... so once in Malmö again I hurried over to that train.. And the trip to the airport went rather smoothly...
Except I met a girl who I had given a fine once before, and she totally flipped out and I ended up filing a police report on her... She didn't seem to remember me though... Which was good... Sooo not my day today!
BUT! On my way back...
I only had like 10 minutes in the Airport... But then I noticed that the train I was going with was supposed to have 2 sets of trains... but it only had one...and at this hour it was rush hours on the bridge... Fun fun!
When the train came, it was already PACKED with people...
After A LOT of effort I convinced some people to move... telling them a tiny white lie that I had another train to catch in Malmö, so I NEEDED to get on board...
I so DID NOT want to wait in the airport with all the other passengers that we needed to deny boarding the train, in lack of space...! They would have eaten me alive...
SO I was REALLY thankful to manage to get a teeny tiny spot on that train....
But when I arrived in Malmö I was soooo exhausted... I just wanted to hurry home and forget the whole day...!
And now I'm home, too tired to do ANYTHING!
I've comforted myself with some B&J's Phish food and a good movie...! I sooo needed that!
And other than that my entire body is aching from the work out yesterday...
Sunday's gonna be a blast, carrying boxes and all... Yay! :P
Yeah, so I'm kind of suffering from finger cramps now.. so I'd better get going...
Can't wait for this day to be over!!
Nighty night!
Busy day ended with BodyPump and BodyCombat! :)
Hey hey, how's it going?
It's sure has been a crazy day!
I went down to work around 11:30am and printed a few documents... And then I ended up talking to a bunch of co-workers, which was really nice! :)
Then I went to City Akuten to get my vaccine... But hey! The doc said I didn't need to re-fill anything! I already had everything I needed! So he just gave me Dukoral and the prescriptions for Malarone (Malaria tabletts)...
Then I went straight to the pharmacy to pick them up... But he only wrote down 1 pack (12 tabs..) And I was supposed to get 2... So I had to go back to the doc, and he gave me prescriptions for the second pack as well...
Then I went to Stadium to buy wristbands... And I ended up buying a pair of short and 2 t-shirts for work out... They're awesome! ... And I managed to spend 1000 SEK... (not good...) But I still love the clothes, so it's all good....!
Then I went to Hemköp at Triangeln to mail the phone and my visa application... All went smoothly...
After that I went to BodyArt, but my tattoo still wasn't done... Hopefully next week... I'm in no rush though... Cause I decided to do it when I get back from Kenya..!
But I'm still excited to see the final product! :)
Then I walked home and changed to go to BodyPump at 5:30pm...
It was a great session!! But I really need to build my muscles... I feel so weak right now...! :P
...Soooo... I decided to stay and wait for the BodyCombat session... And OMG! It was awesome! I loved it! Still felt totally stiff, but I didn't care... It felt great! :)
But I can't help but to be totally bummed out about not getting to go to AfroPowerDance on Saturday... :(
Oh well... Monday Monday Monday! :)
Well guys, I have to go to bed, I have to get up at 5am tomorrow... :/
Long day....! 10 ½ hours...
Nighty night!
Busy busy busy!
Damn, my hands are still a bit shaaakey! But I still can't wait for next Wednesday! Sucks that they only have one Boxing class a week!
Anyway! This is my day off... But I'm swamped!
Right now I'm filling out my Visa application for Kenya... I'm gonna mail it today...!
I also have to go to work to print some papers for I'm also gonna mail the phone today..
Then I have an appointment at City Akuten today to get my vaccine shots (oh, the horror!)
...Then I have some bank errands... Booooring! I'll probably alsoo order the new video camera today... ! (Yaay!)
I'm going to BodyPump today at 5:30pm... But I also have to go to BodyArt to see if my tattoo is done...! I hoooope!
I'll also have to go to Swedbank and end that damn account that I've tried to end like 6 times in the last 3 years... But they keep sending me these account information slips... ANNOYING!
What else...? Oh yeah! I have to go to Stadium or where ever to find wrist bands for boxing class... Or my wrist will be destroyed for sure....
What am I still sitting here for?
I gotta get a move on!
Talk later!
Boxing at A&C!
I didn't think I could be more exhausted than after an Afro Power class at AC....!
I just got back from a 75 minutes boxing class... And my hands are STILL shaking!
I'm really trying my best to type properly here... ! But my hands are really ssssshhhhaaaakkkkiiiiinnnngggggg! But I feel great!!!
The girl I worked with was awesome! Awesome pep talk the whole time! Wooh!!
I'm gonna hit the shower and then go to bed, and maaaaaaaan will I sleep well tonight!! ;)
When I got back from work I just wanted to go to bed, but I forced myself to go to the boxing class... And I'm so happy I did!
...And I ended up putting my name down for BodyPump tomorrow! It was either that or BodyCombat... But I'll save that for next week! ;)
But I'm so bummed out that i'm working until 12 on Saturday! I'll miss the Afro Power Dance!!! :( :( :(
I'll have to wait until Monday....!
See ya'll later!
Early bird catches the worm... Or something...
Just arrived at work... Someone put a 20 in my locker today! :) That's a start!
I think I'll manage to collect some money anyway!
I'm off to Elsinore soon... gwuah!
Looong day ahead!
I'm gonna go call A&C SC... I sure hope they have a spot left at Kick box tonight!
Catch y'all later!
Close-minded twat!
How are you?
I'm sooo tired! It's been such a long day... Delay after delay... And just... gwaaahh!
Oh, I did sell my couch this evening though... so at the moment I'm sitting on a pillow on the floor. Highly uncomfortable...!
But hey, I'm just glad to have sold it! I just hope someone will buy the book case and coffée table too...!
Anyhow... I put up the poster at work today... But this one guy annoyed the hell out of me!
He was just sooo....!!! Jack*ss!
-"What, you think people will pay this? Ooh how much like 10 000"
-"No, that's why I wrote all contributions, big or small are welcome... I'm not forcing anyone to give anything"
-"Hah, you've gonna bring clothes too? You won't be able to bring much...! Not if you're gonna bring a bunch for yourself as well...!"
-"I'll bring 45 kilos... That's all I can bring, but it's still something...! I won't bring a lot of clothes to myself... I'll put most of it in my carry on luggage anyway...."
WHY bother having that discussion?? I wonder...!
What if ALL people were that close minded??? It's like... Why bother have the Red Cross, The UN, Doctors without borders, Amnesty and what ever!?
That just pisses me off, right there! Even if it just a piss in Mississippi... It's still SOMETHING! It's still wort the effort!!
GAH! Twat!!
Enough bad energy on that freak of nature....
I'm gonna try to get a spot at kick box tomorrow evening... Release my anger there...
I haven't been to the gym today... Feels awful! I'm addicted and I need my daily dose! :P
I hope they have a spot for me tomorrow!
For now I'm gonna hit the sheets! ...My ass is uncomfortable...!
Nighty night!
Industrial country problems in the morning...
Buut, I had to get up... I'm gonna take the bus to work soon...! I'm still kind of sleepy...
Okay, so this day is still painfully long... But the "annoying" part is that I have a 3 hour break, from like 8am-11am...
Instead of spreading it out...
The first trip is to Kastrup and back. Then I'm going to Elsinore and back... Then I'm going to Copenhagen and back. All Denmark today....! ''Yaay''...
..Geez... Look at me, rambling on about the ''industrial country problems''... When kids all over the world have to work 15 hours or more every day, even when they're sick!
Hush up Maddy, Hush up!
Yeap! I gotta get going!
Have a good one!
Hooked on African Dance!
It was a great dance class tonight! It was so much fun!
I just wish I wasn't so typical ''European stiff''... Give me a latina body damnit! At least the ability to move! :)
But it's like the ''teacher'' says... It's not about HOW you do it... It's the fact that you DO do it (...yes, I'm well aware that I just wrote "dodo"...Grow up!) ;) Hehe. She's right though! SO true!
I've also finished the posters! (I didn't bring it with me to work this morning... Which I think is a good deal... Cause I got to do em' this afternoon, in peace and quiet... And I think they look good! Good enough, anyway...!
(Hjälp mig = Help me)
Oooh, by the way... You know I'm totally hooked on soy productus.. Like soy milk... Well, I've bought a soy based yoghurt with strawberry flavor and it's just soooo yummy! Try it! It's the Alpro brand!
I'm totally in love with alpro and gogreen soy products!
Oh yes! :)
Well guys, I'm exhausted, and I have to get up at like 5am tomorrow... So I'm gonna go to bed!
Sleep tight !
Back on track..
Hey guys, what's up?
I'm at work right now... I have about 30 minutes left of my break then I'm off to Helsingborg at 12:38... I think...
Oh well... I'm totally bored anyway...!
The first trip today was to Växjö, and all the way to Hässleholm Roy was with me! :)
It's so much fun! We have that trip like every other week together! Always the same one... Only, today I was the one to continue to Växjö...!
I get off work some time around 3pm... Then I'm gonna go home, chill for a bit, then I have African dance at 6pm...
I'll probably go straight home and to bed after that! I have a feeling I'll be exhausted!
Besides, I start at 6 - something tomorrow too...!
I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight!
Yesterday I went to bed at like 8:30 pm... Thought I was tired, and tried to be good... But I just could not go to sleep! Totally annoying!
I ended up calling Elizabeth (relative from LA) and talked to her for like and hour and a half..! :P~ Always a pleasure!
I'm gonna go see if there's anyone fun at the office...! Be social and all that!
Weekend's almost over.. :(
How's it going ?
The weather sure cleared up in the afternoon! It's been sunny and nice... The spring is on the door step! :)
Okay... So these Kenya posters are impossible! I've realized this much! Just impossible for me to deal with at home though.
I'll go to work a little early tomorrow and I'll fix it there before I start! ... I wonder if this will have any effect what so ever...?
No matter...! Either way, I get to go back to Shangilia... I'll have 45 Kilos of clothes with me... It'll all be ok...!
I'm starting to get a bit sleepy...!
The BodyStep today... Gosh... I was so exhausted afterwards! Good feeling! :)
Tomorrow it's African Dance again! :)
I'm actually gonna go to bed... Even though it's just 7:45 pm!
I do have to get up at 4:45am tomorrow...!
Nighty night!
BodyStep at A&C!
Gosh... Even though I've really focused on stretching after the work out sessions I'm still soooo stiff! And have these awesome work out pains all over my body! :) Hahah, really makes you feel alive!
I wonder how I will look today during BodyStep... ! Can't wait!
So, this weekend is almost over... That sucks...!
Next week I'm gonna put everything together in my apartment, cause I'm moving next Sunday! Wohooo!! :)
But next week is a killer week. I'm only free on Wednesday...! ONE day!
I'm gonna go start with the Kenya posters now...
Counting today, I'll leave for Gothenburg in 39 days!! I can't WAIT!!! <3
Kwaheri sana!
Was that a bomb??
Did you have a nice Saturday evening?
Here in Malmö it sure has been CRAZY! What with all demonstrations and attacks on the police...
I've been at Cíli's place all night! I just got back.... Too afraid to go home by myself... More or less...
Ivo drove me home (thank you).
I'm not sure what time it was... maybe around 10:30pm? Sandra and I were watching a movie when all of a sudden we heard a BIG bag! There was an explosion outside!
We carefully went out on the balcony, and we could see smoke at Big Bowl...And after a few minutes we saw a caravan of police cars drive by:
Crazy or what!?
But nothing more happened after that... So we sat down again, watching the end of the movie...!
I got to Cíli's place around 5:30... And we made tacos... and watched the movie Knocked up (Hilarious!!) and then we went for dessert... Ben & Jerry's Half Baked and Phish Food... With O'hoy Caramel fudge... Calorie bomb? Yes, for sure!
We also watched my all time favorite mobie Beyond Borders... I think I've seen that movie 15 times now, at least! I never get tired of it... That's actually what I want to do with my life... Work in the relief business... (Not get killed by a mine)...
It has been a great evening with my Cíli :)
Right when I got there we just looked at each other saying that we'll do the modelling pictures some other day... We both just wanted to relax :)
...But I gotta say... Now after watching this movie (Beyond Borders)... again... I just can't wait to go back to Africa...!
And even more so, just go to different places in the world, doing volunteer work as I go...
...Still haven't made the Kenya posters... :/ But I have all day tomorrow...
I just have BodyStep at 1:45pm... Then I don't have any plans...!
OH! And Cíli and I were both REALLY bummed out that we missed the Erotica Fair in Copenhagen this weekend!!
Suuuure, it's tomorrow between 2pm-8pm... But eeeeh... We should have gone tonight damnit! Haha!
We'll just have to go next time!
There's gonna be one in Stockholm again in the fall! We'll be there for sure! :D
Well people I'm gonna hit the sheets... I'm wiped out!
Sleep tight!
African Dance and Core!
This sure has been a GREAT morning!
I got up at 9am.. And went to A&C at around 9:40... Got the tour when I got there... And this place is AWESOME!
It's huge! It's sooo much better then LFC! ...Though LFC does have its charm with the small rooms... it's cozy... but after today I have to say it's MUCH better with a huge room like at A&C!
The African Dance started at 10am, and OMG! It was sooo exhausting but SOOOO much fun!!
My legs felt like spagetti when we were done! For real! It felt Wonderful!!
After one hour of African dance I stayed behind to join the Core group. It was great! But I was kind of exhausted! Hehe!
But it was a great exercise for the abs and the back...!
I also signed up for BodyStep tomorrow! That's gonna be a alot of fun! And tomorrow I will sign up for the African Dance on Monday... Unless I'm working too late... I have to look it up....!
Right now I'm just chilin'... I'm gonna go deal with the Kenya posters soon... I just don't know what kind of layout to use...
I need them done by Monday at least... So I can put them up at work...!
I sure hope people will have the heart to donate something... Even if it's just a tiny contribution...! Everything's welcome!
Currently listening to Breakaway with Kelly Clarkson... I love this song... I LOVE the lyrics...!
I actually want to tattoo ''I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly'' and "Gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change and breakaway" somewhere on my body... Someday, maybe! :)
....Ooooh, and now it just changed to the BEST version of Hallelujah EVER made!
Kate Voegele, she has SUCH an amazing voice! I get chills just listening to it.... Her album "Don't look away" is SO great! I can't wait for her next one!
Just listen and soak up her awesomness!! ...And watch a part of One Tree Hill episode 5.17 (hate is safer than love).
The most awesome TV show ever! :)
Well, that's it for now people!
I'm off to brain storm the Kenya posters!
The BEST job in the world!
Yeah, did you know I was gonna apply for that job?
...Then I had an acute appendix infection and had to have surgery...
Sure, I did think about making a video anyway... I mean hey! At least they wouldn't have to worry about me having an acute appendix infection while swimming with dolphins or something like that...! Buuut, when you look at the other applicants... Yeah... I just decided not to :P
Now it's too late... The application period is closed and now they have actually picked 50 people out of a total of 34 000 (!!!) applicants. And did you know one of those 50 people is a Swede? Yeap, said so in yesterday's Metro.
I've been online checking out some of the application videos... Some are just tragic, but there are some people who have made really cool videos and I must say have already lived amazing lives!
Just a fair few of all the amazing videos...!
It's just such a cool video, don't you think?
Sarah Louise - Isn't she ADORABLE!? :P
Awesome video!! ...And he's hott too! ;)
Not just a cool video! Seriously! Also check out his Series of Peeping Tom! It's Awesome!
You can also check out his website!
Heey! I even found the Swedish guy's video! Can't say it is in the top 11... But it's cool!
That's enough sharing for now... If you want to check out the 50 videos that are now in consideration for the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD... Go to !
...Yes, I wish it was ME who got to go to The great barrier reef... Have the most wonderful time of my life and get the most insane salary for it! 150 000 Swedish Kronor PER MONTH!
...Saying it's the best job in the world is an understatment, don't ya think!? ;)
Aaah, well.. I'm off to the African dance work out session!
Hasta luego amigos! :)
Well, I'm done for the day.... I've spent the last two hours editing documents... My eyes hurt! :P
I'm actually gonna go straight to bed... I'm getting up at 9am tomorrow... African dance starts at 10am! :)
Just wanted to drop by and wish you all a good night! :)
Take care!
Dance Aerobics at LFC ... African dance and Core tomorrow at A&C!
I got back from LFC about an hour ago... Today I went to the dance aerobics session. It was a lot of fun, but the steps were very hard! And I'm sooooo stiff!
Two girls in the group were rather annoying though... They didn't even try and were sitting by the wall just looking most of the time... and talking - loud! Jerks...
Anyway... I haven't decided yet... But I realized that there's A&C Sports Centre like 3 minutes away from here...!
I just called them and they have a really good offer! I get work out there for A WHOLE WEEK for free! And then I'll have a meeting with one of the coaches and we'll put up a schedule specific for me! It sounds awesome!
So! Tomorrow morning I'm going to an African inspired dance session, and straigt after I'll do a Core session. It sounds great! :D
I'm actually even more excited about A&C! Why didn't I think of them before?? I see the building every time I go to the bus stop! Oh well, better late than never! :P
They seem to have REALLY good work out sessions too! A lot more to choose from than at LFC!
I'm really excited! :)
Well, I found most of the things I was looking for today!
But as it turns out the glam rock get-together for tomorrow is cancelled... :( Good thing I didn't buy any clothes for it then...!
Instead I'll have Taco night with Cíli :) It's gonna be great!
Oh! And there's a guy coming over tomorrow at noon checking out my couch... I really hope he wants it... If so I'll update the ad on Blocket and hopefully someone will buy my coffée table and TV shelf... thing...!
I'm gonna go work on some documents for Loooong over due! And I guess my uncle wants 'em a.s.a.p...!
Especially since I'm free from work, ALL weekend! Feels gooood!
I've slept for like 10 hours tonight... That was also needed...! And waking up without an alarm is the best way to wake up, don't you agree?
SO! What are my plans for the day?
Well, I'm gonna get dressed soon enough... Then I'm gonna go down town... I'm gonna go to Carlings to see if I can spend my gift certificate... If they have anything interesting...!
Then I'll go to H&M looking for inspiration for the glam rock get-together tomorrow...! Aaaaan then I'm gonna go to Panduro Hobby to buy big posters and pencils... then I'll be doing the Kenya posters later today...!
If I have time I'll also go to ÖB... I'm gonna buy 2 photo albums that I'm gonna make for Cyntia and Gracie... Then I just have to go online and order more copies of the photos..!
And at 5pm today I have the dance aerobic session! It's gonna be fun!
And I think I'll actually get a membership card there today... So I'll book all next week... Full of work out sessions! :)
Uh yah!
I just hope I'll be able to do it all today!
Feels like I'd better get going, huh?
Well, for now, have a great day people! And I'll catch up with y'all later!
80's flash back...! YIKES!
I just got back from Lady Fitness Center from a Step Up session... It was wooooonderful! You have no idea!
It felt so GREAT to be back in the gym like that... Working out in groups! I love it!
I also signed up for aerobic dance tomorrow at 5pm. That should be interesting... Considering my coordination suuuucks! :P I just wasn't born to be a dancer!
Straight after work I went to MIST to modell for Cíli... She was teaching the morning group how to make an 80's pop and punk make up... (OMG!)
I didn't take any pictures... But that's for the better! OMG! I can not believe people WANTED to look like that back then... Sometimes the sense of fashion just amazes me...!
Don't get me wrong... I think there are many cool things with the 80's! (For one, I was born in 1986, and that is major!)
And they did have many cool clothes... and some cool hair dos...
But some things are just.... Gwuuaaaaahhhh! Not to put a finer print on it!
When I was in junior high I went through a hippie phase... And In some ways I'm still ot over it... For example I love flared jeans... And I just think the 60's and the 70's was a cool time to... LIVE! :)
Which is why I have to mention one of my favorite movies called Sweetwater. I have it on VHS, but I have not been able to find it on DVD, which bums me out, cause it's so good!
If you get the chance, WATCH IT!
Listen to the song ''WHAT'S WRONG'' from the movie Sweetwater - A true rock story:
I just love her voice! And this movie is just filled with great 60's music! Lovely! ...I really need to find that movie! I haven't seen it in AGES!
Anyway...After I had been at MIST I went home and I slept for three hours... it was soooo nice! And I really needed it!
Then I got up... And I went to Hemköp to pick up my phone... Finally back from that service place.. In one piece! ... Buuuut of course... When I got home, put in my sim card... and turned it on... The buttons don't work.... DAMMIT CRAMMIT!
Now I'm gonna have to send it to service yet AGAIN! GWAH!
Before I went home I went to Body Art in hope to check out my new tattoo...
But Maja is on sick leave so it wasn't done.. :(
I have a feeling I won't be able to do it until I get back from Kenya.. Oh well...!
Aaaand now I'm back home, like I said, from a GREAT work out session at LFC...!
I'm just gonna chill out all night... And now I have three free days ahead of me... Chill chill chill! Gotta love it!
I'm gonna go get an evening snack!
Later peeps!
It's now 3:28am... I'll soon be on my way to work... I start at 4:01 today...
I'm just gonna go to Kastrup, have a 30 minute or so break ... Then I'll go to Helsingborg from there... 20 minute break and then I go back to Malmö, have like a 30 minute break and then I'm done for the day! (How great is that though?!) :)
I get off at around 8:30am!
Then I'll head over to Cíli at MIST... I'll be her model this morning while she demonstrate to her students an 80's make up (oh Lord!)... It will be interesting ;)
Then I'm gonna head straight home to get some sleep... And after that... Well, I'll just catch up with you later and let y'all know! ;)
Have a good one! :)
Die weisse massai
I just watched "Die weisse massai" (The white masai)... And now I'm all sentimental...!
Even though it's a German movie, and y'all know how I feel about German... (Yeah, not too crazy about it...)...
Anyway, I just love it... It is such a great story... and the fact that it's based on a true story makes it even better...!
And when I see Carola with her child Sarai... I just feel... Gosh.. I want that... I want to adopt an African girl...
....That's a little further in to the future though... As for right now... It made me miss Kenya even more...
And I just can't wait to go back! It's going to be so so so WONDERFUL!
I have talked to Gloria, and she talked to her sister in Mombasa.... So I'll be going there too! :) That will be really exciting!
Something else I'm really looking forward to is to go to Kiserian to meet Mary's family and meet the masai people...!
I don't think I can smile more than what I'm doing right now... Just thinking about my trip, I can't wait!
Am I nervous about going alone?...
No not really... I mean... Okay, maybe it's not the ideal situation for a mzungo girl to go to Kenya alone...
But I won't be alone while I'm there...! I'll be with some of the best people in the world :)
I am just SOOOO bummed out that Gloria won't be there! It will NOT be the same without her!
Oh, and how's the Swahili going, you may ask?
Haha, could be better...! I wish I knew someone who could teach me!
Where's Kintu when I need him!?...Okay, so he's in South Africa, but still! He's just adorable though...!
He called me Masai Blanca on MSN! Haha, yeah, for sure I am! ;)
There's this guy at work, I think I've written about him before... his name is Johan and he has been in Kenya, when he studied at the school I've also applied for (Österlens Folkhögskola)...
And he told me he went by train between Nairobi and Mombasa... and just hearing him talking about it... Made me want to try it out! Maybe just one way though... it takes SEVERAL hours to go there... Can't remember really, but 17-ish?
Well, while I'm all sentimental and stuff, I'm gonna continue cleaning out my wardrobe... (No, I'm not done yet....!)
But before I go I want you all to sit down and relax... And listen to this AMAZING song... It totally brings me right back to Africa... And some other memories too... But anyhow... Press PLAY dear friends!
Kwaheri sana! :)
Alarm before 8am should be banned.
It is now 4:42am, and waaaay to early to be writing a blog entry, don't you think ?
I start work in an hour... And I'm taking the bus at 5:18 today... I know, I know, I should take my bike, it's better for me.. yaddi yaddi yadda... I'll do that tomorrow when I start at 4:01... Man, that's gonna be tough!
I think I get off at 11:37 today... Or somewhere in between... Totally ok... But considering I have to get up around 3am, I'll have to go to bed REAL early!
Well, I'm gonna go get ready, I'll check back here later!
Until then, have a great morning!
Evenin' glorious guys!
How's it going ?
I fell asleep on the couch earlier today... Only for half an hour, but still, it was enough for me to be wide awake now... When I should be considering to go to bed... Great work!
I did start going through my wardrobe, yet again...! And now I have an even bigger pile of clothes to bring to Kenya...!
I'll continue with that tomorrow..!
Right now I'm just chillin'... Talking to friends... Listening to music... Right now WMP is playing "Hawthrone Heights - Ohio is for lovers". Lovely :)
Seriously... I'm getting up at 4-ish am tomorrow... I need to sleep..
Counting sheep is a myth..!
Well, good luck to the rest of you to get some sleep!
More soon!
Nighty night!
IKEA and a Happy Birthday Surprise! :)
See, after I had a ''fika'' with Anna, I went to Värnhem to meet up with Debbie. We were going to IKEA!
I decided to buy a mirror to Anna for her birthday (she's been talking about it for a long time)...
And since I have the spare keys to her apartment, and knew she'd be at work all day I went in there, wrapped the huge mirror, blew up like 50 balloons ( me no like balloons no more! ) and put up Happy Birthday signs on the wall...
Unfortunately I had to go to bed really early since I had to get up at 3:30am today... So I was asleep when she got home... But she sent me a text message, saying I totally made her day and she was really really happy! :)
Mission accomplished! :D Love ya Anna! :)
And I didn't want to write about it here just in case she'd log on to read my blog. Talk about the ultimate spoiler.
Anyway, Debbie and I had a blast at IKEA... As you can see... :P
Yeah, we were goofin' around a bit in the mirror section... And yes, it is a pot lid I'm holding by my ear... And when we got to the ''Do-it-by-yourself'' storage, suddenly Debbie disappeared in to the shelves and started climbing! She cracks me up!! ;)
This sign is actually pretty interesting! While Debbie and I were waiting for Cíli to pick us up we were sitting by the play room...
Is there a line to the play room?
Here you can sit and relax while you wait for your turn"
...Now, HOW often do you find kids wanting to relax... or wait for his or her turn? Especially when it comes to a play room... And ESPECIALLY IKEA's play room! Heck! I loved their play room when I was a kid! ;)
Then Cíli came to pick us up and we went to Bauhaus... Cíli needed some chicken net... thing... For some.... thing... I dunno.. :P~
Debbie and I couldn't resist... We didn't go all Jackass on it though! ;)
But when I came home and had messed up Anna's living room... I was soooo tired! I just wanted to go to bed...
I mean, blowing up 50 balloons really takes it out of ya! But look how pretty! :)
Other than that I have had SUCH a fun day at work today! I went to Kristianstad with Fredrik at 5:28 this morning... Fredrik used to be my instructor at DSB Sverige.
We gamboled around in the train... He was singing... And every time he was going to make an announcement in the speakers I tried my best to make him laugh, and it was sooooo funny watching him trying his best to be serious (it didn't go too well) ;) We have so much fun making fun of each other! He's hilarious!
And this is Fredrik, more or less wanting to throw out work PDA in the wall... "Accidentally" breaking it... And then chewing on its parts in pure agony! :P LOL!
When we were going back to Malmö it was Patrik S who came with the train from Karlskrona... And it's his birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweets! And since I didn't have the time to bake a cake, I bought two cookies for him before we left Malmö :)
And today after work I went to Cíli at MIST.... She put a little make up on me, and we had a nice talk... You are the best sweetie! And you're so pretty! <3
Now I'm back home and I'm just chillin'... I'm gonna call the car rental place soon, cause I'm gonna have to re-schedule the car until the 13th... I won't be able to go on Thursday... :(
But for now I'm gonna go lie down for a bit... Really starting to feel the fact that I got up at 3:30am today... *Yawn*
Talk to y'all later!
Chao! :)
Mornin' glorious!
Right now I'm sitting in Kristianstad... Waiting to go back to Malmö...
I'll write more later today when I get home... And I'll tell you more about what happened yesterday! :)
Until then!
Sorry I've been kind of bad at updating today!
Around noon I went to work to deal with a few things... Then I met Anna (which by the way turnds 23 today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA!) and we went for a ''fika'' (we still need to think of a good English word for fika!)
Later on I went to see Debbie and we hung out all afternoon! I also got to meet Cíli for a bit! :)
I will elaborate... Just not right now ;)
I am actually gonna go to bed soon! Tomorrow I start at 5:07am! ... I'm gonna have to take my damn bike tomorrow...!
Well, well... I'll just have to bid y'all a good night and sweet dreams!
See ya tomorrow! :)
Nighty night!
KLM Travel information - Checked baggage allowance
Last time we had one bag each with 23kilos per bag...
Either we mis-read the last time or they changed the amount!
I'm allowed to bring 2 bags with 23kilos in each! Sure it's going to be REALLY heavy... But I'll manage! And it will be worth it, that's for sure!
I'll be able to bring more than 40 kilos of clothes to Shangilia! This is awesome!!
...But just in case I'm gonna call them tomorrow and ask... Oh! And I'm gonna call the embassy as well, asking about the VISA...!
AND I also need to call the doctor's office to see if I should get Malaria pills, more shots or something else I might need on my trip! :)
Tomorrow I'm actually gonna go to work and talk to my ''team leader'' and ask her if we can make some sort of collection for the kids at Shangilia as well!
I'll also make some sort of flyer or just send a mass-email to everyone at DSB asking people do donate clothes and shoes for me to bring... Preferably for kids around 5-13 years old...!
I am SO SO SO excited! Seriously, I can't wait to go back!!
And hey! I actually found my Kenya travel guide in one of the boxes today! And I'm actually gonna do my best to learn as much Swahili as possible before I go... I'm gonna go to a book store tomorrow to see if they have some sort of Swahili dictionary! It's a facinating language!
Anyway, I'm gonna go through my wardrobe... Yes, once again!
It's gonna be a while, so I'll see y'all later!
Kwaheri sana! :)
Sugar rush!
I just got back from Anna's... She served ...uh... sandwich cake :P and for desert a Princess cake, cheese cake and my white chocolate cake.
And I think everyone now suffer from a major sugar rush!
I just got back to my place... Realizing that I need to continue packing... Try to do as much as I possibly can today...
I do have the day off tomorrow as well... Cause Anna and I might be able to move all the stuff on Thursday!
Yes, and this means I don't have time to sit here right now!
So I'll check back later!
This is Madeleine, reporting live from the messiest apartment i Malmö. Over and out!
My pleadings were answered!
I actually went in to the ''resting room'' to lie in a bed... Not that is was any more comfortable than the couch, but right then and there, oh my, it sure felt like a royal throne!
I got to sleep until 10:30-ish... Then I got up and just waited for the clock to be 10:51 and then I hurried my butt on home.
I just finished baking the cake, it smells divine in my apartment! Yumm yumm! I hope Anna's gonna like it!
And actually, even though I got to sleep for a few hours on work, I think I'm going to go to bed for a little while more... Then I'm off to be social at Anna's! :)
And later tonight I might go to Copenhagen to meet up with the España dudes... It's their last night and they wanted to go sight seeing in Copenhagen... and hey, I still haven't been to Christiania, so... Who knows :P
Talking in Spanish yesterday with those guys.. Or at least trying my best... Really made me see that I think I do have quite a lot of work to do when I go to Venezuela... It's going to be great though, and I'm having SO much fun using my Spanish!
Yesterday sure was Spanglish though, and I have a feeling today will be as well if I do go to Copenhagen.
They want to practice their English, and I want to practice my Spanish... And sometimes they don't find the words in English and start talking in Spanish and vice versa for me... Spanglish!! :)
...Still annoys me that they could tell so easily that I've used Google Translate as a help when texting them... :P
Well guys, I'm gonna go take a little nap!
Talk to y'all later!
Have a lovely Sunday!
What happened last night...?
Well... I decided to go out and meet the guys from España with Anna.
I managed to confuse those guys terribly! They got off at the wrong bus stop.. TWICE. But the second time wasn't my fault. Really...!
Anyway, when we did find them we went to MIST where Cíli and some of her friends were having a party, so we joined in... And later on we went to Barcelona (...No, the bar!) :)
We had a good time! I'm glad I got to know those guys... Though, they were totally on to me... And told me flat out ''You use Google translate, don't ya''... WHATEVER! :P
With the very possible risk of miss spell their names I'll just leave them out on this one...!
Anywhooo... It's 4:42am now... I got home about 2 hours ago... Slept for one hour (Oh So Nice!) and then took a cab to work... But man, oh MAN am I freezing! It's awful! And I am so so so tired! It's crazy!
The cab driver was funny though... He made fun of the fact that I was so tired and how it's my own fault (yeah, yeah, yeah...) Total boost in the morning! :P
I just can't wait until 10:51am... That's when I get off... I can already hear my bed calling me! Oh yes.
But when I come home I have to bake... I'm going to Anna's later in the afternoon... And I'm making her a cake. Like one of the best cakes! Uh yah!
Well, unless they call me in to work today I'm gonna go sleep on the couch *Please please PLEASE don't call me!*
I'll check back here later!