Another desert. Sorry about that!

Okay, now this is awkward... almost two weeks of total silence ??
WHAT is the reason for these crazy actions?

...Sorry guys, I've just been swamped at work, and exhausted afterwards...
I'd say the summer is the biggest suck fest at work! Which is weird cause you'd think people are nice and happy, ESPECIALLY now that we have such lovely weather!
But no, no... Greedy, mean, rude, obnoxioius jerks! And it really is too bad that these people destroy for the people who are actually nice and sweet.

Like yesterday... I got yelled at on several occasions... trains were delayed - my fault of course. People forgot to buy tickets - Again, my fault. Me asking to see tickets - totally annoying and big sighs were given...
Yeah, cause that's all I do, make peoples lives to a living hell!?
...Can you believe this is where I work? That is my ''office''!
...No one should have to have it like that at work...

Dakota's coming this weekend. FINALLY! It's been almost 2 months!!!
He'll be here for about a month, then we'll leave for the US together with Hannah on August 1st! It's gonna be awesome!

Today I have been at work, been to the doctor's, paid the bills...and ate a fruit...! Next stop is grocery shopping... Ain't life grand?? :)

Well, this is it for now, I'll check back later!
Go out and enjoy the lovely weather with me!




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