Death often comes in three.

It is said that death often comes in three...
But three deaths in less than one week is really scary.
I'm guessing no one has escaped the news of the King of popMichael Jackson's death yesterday. Same with the death of gorgeous angel Farrah Fawcett... But I also found out that the American comedian, game show host, announcer, and television personality Ed McMahon also died on the 23rd of June at the age of 86, and it was said that he died from many health problems he had been struggling with over his last months.

Personally I did not know much of Ed McMahon... It's just a name I've heard in discussions and on TV...
...I have heard the theory of death times three at work too though...

The other day there was an accident where a kid was hit by a train. From unreliable sources he was playing 'chicken' with his friends...
Wikipedia explains the chicken game as following: "The principle of the game is that while each player prefers not to yield to the other, the outcome where neither player yields is the worst possible one for both players."

...Only when they play it with trains, it's the train they are supposed to yield for, and escape being hit by a quarter of an inch or less... This boy didn't escape.
I seriously do not understand how anyone could find this amusing? The boy's friends will have to live with this forever. Their lives will never be the same... And just think about the poor driver...!

I also got a message today that another person was hit by a train today, more up north... I don't know anything about this accident...
And I'm not sure if there has been another one or if another accident is to be expected in the near future... Cause it wouldn't be the first time that death has come in three...
It's just so tragic...

I know this is a really depressing topic... But please take care of yourselves out there, alright?
Your life is precious and you should do your best not to waste it. You only get one life. This life.
Embrace it. Live it. Cherish it!

Nangijala will be waiting for you. There's no need to rush!


R.I.P Michael Jackson - Be at peace in Nangijala.

Yesterday was a really bad day :(
Farrah Fawcett died from a long struggle against cancer... And Michael Jackson died from a heart attack, only three days before he was going on tour.
My thoughts go out to their families... The three kids Jackson leaves behind...

Just because people all know who they were we reach out and gather out sympathies and thoughts...
But I also read in the newspaper that an one year old died yesterday cause she was left behind in a car, and it was very hot yesterday.
I hope she'll have a better life in Nangijala.

...Be at peace...

R.I.P Farrah Fawcett - Now you really are an angel.

After battling cancer for the last couple of years, she is now off to Nangijala...
She was 62 years old.

She left friends and family on this earth, but at least she does not suffer any more. She's free from all the pain.
And she will be remembered.

How do you remember Farrah Fawcett?

My biggest memory of her is from one of my favorite TV shows: Charlie's Angels.

Farrah Fawcett together with her Charlie's Angels co-stars Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith.

R.I.P Farrah Fawcett... We will always remember you!
Be at peace, angel.

Another desert. Sorry about that!

Okay, now this is awkward... almost two weeks of total silence ??
WHAT is the reason for these crazy actions?

...Sorry guys, I've just been swamped at work, and exhausted afterwards...
I'd say the summer is the biggest suck fest at work! Which is weird cause you'd think people are nice and happy, ESPECIALLY now that we have such lovely weather!
But no, no... Greedy, mean, rude, obnoxioius jerks! And it really is too bad that these people destroy for the people who are actually nice and sweet.

Like yesterday... I got yelled at on several occasions... trains were delayed - my fault of course. People forgot to buy tickets - Again, my fault. Me asking to see tickets - totally annoying and big sighs were given...
Yeah, cause that's all I do, make peoples lives to a living hell!?
...Can you believe this is where I work? That is my ''office''!
...No one should have to have it like that at work...

Dakota's coming this weekend. FINALLY! It's been almost 2 months!!!
He'll be here for about a month, then we'll leave for the US together with Hannah on August 1st! It's gonna be awesome!

Today I have been at work, been to the doctor's, paid the bills...and ate a fruit...! Next stop is grocery shopping... Ain't life grand?? :)

Well, this is it for now, I'll check back later!
Go out and enjoy the lovely weather with me!


Rain storm!

Hey peeps,
How's it going ?

Right now I'm on the train to Nybro... And I'm telling you, going by train when ''off duty''... It's just torture!
...And this weather we have here today ? OMG!
I feel so sorry for the students who graduate today...! It's been raining non stop since I went (BY BIKE) to work, at 3:45am!
And it's like a storm! When I got to work I heard the cracking of a big branch.. I thought the whole damn tree was coming down, but thankfully, it was 'just' a branch...

Work was alright... But I was soaked... even though I had a rain coat and pants I got all damp from the inside, and my shoes were soaked.. And I was freezing my ass off!! Euuhh!
I sure hope the weather is a bit better in Nybro...!

I'm gonna continue to write my book now, if y'all excuse me..!

later! :)

Globetrotter girl - Hollywood edition - Coming soon :)

Okay.. So, you know I'm gonna change the layout of this web site later on... Or I'll probably pay someone to help me with the layout...
Anyway, it's gonna be Globetrotter girl - Hollywood edition. More of that when January is getting closer :)

...But, since we are on that very note... OMFG!!! It's soooo complicated with the whole Visa story...!
So many forms to fill out, and I need to schedule an interview with the Embassy in Stockholm...A.S.A.P.
...I knew there was a lot to do, but, wow...! I sure need to get started!
...As of tomorrow! :)

Right now, I'm gonna go to bed... Got up at 3:30am today... Phewwww...!!
And tomorrow the alarm's set on 4:30am...I almost get to ''sleep in'' ;)

Anyways, I'm off!
Nighty night peeps!

You can't cancel it?!

Explain to me WHY you would cancel a perfectly GREAT TV show like Tru Calling??
Yeah... I just finished the last DVD... 2 seasons... if you can call it that... One and a half is more like it... And of course it ended with "okay... AND THEN??" type of thing...
And I went online to IMDB to read about it... and apparently it's been cancelled... WHY???
...So that's it? All the people who thought Tru Calling was genious are just gonna... Never know how it ends... if it ends... WHAT??

In the words of my good friend Mary - PULL UP YOUR SOCKS!!! And bring back Tru Calling!!
More Eliza Dushku to the people!

Just look at her, she's gorgeous!!!
... Haha, and Jason Priestley... I think I've only liked him as Brandon in Beverly Hills 90210...!
Then again, that's probably just case he's been playing these psycho roles... At least from what I've seen...
And I guess all cred goes to him cause of that... I'm sure he's a lovely person otherwise, but he really creeps me out as jackass Jack in Tru Calling! :P 

Well... My day started at 4 am... And tomorrow it's starting at 3:30am.. so I'm actually gonna prepare myself to go to bed... I KNOW - crazy! It's like 7:30pm... But I'm exhausted!
And I have 4 days to go....! Four days... I'm gonna be sooooo dead this weekend!

Nighty night darlings!
And hey!
I still recommend Tru Calling! It's awesome! (The second episode was just soooooooooo tragic!!! You're gonna cry like a baby!)

American Pancakes for brunch! DELICIOUS!

Good afternoon darlings!
This morning the alarm went off at 4:30am... Which is, if you ask me, not OK! :P
...When the alarm went off I just stared at the phone, kind of wishing it was playing a prank on me... (I was tired - ok?!)
...Well, it wasn't and I had to get up... And darling Anna didn't leave the keys for the bike on the shelf, so I kind of freaked... But eventually went to her room and found them in her bag. Phew... Made it on time. But damn it's cold in the morning!
I had one trip to Elsinore today, which was ok... But when I went back to Malmö I had some rude, drunk Danish people on board... They just don't know when to stop... Sometimes humanity scares me.

After work I went home, but I stopped at Coop to buy some strawberry jam and milk for the pancakes!
And I thought is was rather funny, this is what I found outside of the store:


Maybe I was just so tired, everything seemed funny at the time, but actually... it still cracks me up a bit ;)

I went home, and I slept for two hours, which was sooo so nice!
And I woke up at noon... Alex had a party to go to so she couldn't make it... and Anna wasn't in the mood for pancakes (I know, right? How is that even possible??) ;)
Anyway, I was! And I wanted to try the banana pancakes!
I check the pancake recipe at - It's SUCH a great page! So many kinds of pancakes! It's awesome!

The banana pancakes were really good, but not nearly as good as the cinnamon pancakes!
I tried cinnamon last time too, but I just sprinkled a little on top, this time I put it in the batter... I don't know, a table spoon maybe? Or 2/3 of a table spoon...
They were DELICIOUS!!! Those are by far the best pancakes I have ever eaten!

This is the recipe I used: (sorry it's not translated... but it was quite difficult to convert it to oz's...! )

  • 2 ½ dl vetemjöl (wheat flour)
  • 2 tsk bakpulver (baking powder)
  • ½ tsk salt (...duh)
  • ½ msk socker (sugar)
  • 2 msk vaniljsocker (vanilla essence)
  • 2 ½ dl mjölk (milk)
  • 2 msk smält smör + smör till stekning (butter)
  • 1 ägg (egg)

  • I divided the batter into two bowls, in one bowl I added:

  • 1 msk kanel (cinnanon)
  • And in the other:

  • 1 mogen mosad banan (mashed ripe banana)

  • Banana batter   Cinnamon batter
    Banana batter                    Cinnamon batter

    dl = deciliter (decilitre)
    tsk = tesked (tea spoon)
    msk = matsked (table spoon)

    I don't wana brag but.... well, yeah, okay, I do! I'm so good at this! ;)
    ...Except maybe flipping them over, gotta practice that part a little bit more... So the entire stove isn't splashed with pancake batter... :)
    Pancake in the pan :) Beauty, ain't it? ;)

    And this is my brunch... How can you say no to this ?
    Pancakes with maple syrup, strawberry jam and bananas with milk and Ketepa Kenyan tea :)

    That's right!
    This is a banana pancake with Maple Joe's maple syrup, Bob's strawberry jam and Chiquita's bananas (haha)...
    Washed down with cooooold milk and Ketepa Kenyan tea... Mmmm mmm MMM!! :D
    Is your mouth watering up?  ;)

    Anywho... That was one great brunch, and now I'm too full for my own good... Just chillin out at home... I'm gonna go to bed early today... Tomorrow I start at around 4...something... and that means I have to get up around 3:30am... And I'm not looking forward to that... Just so you know...!

    I'm gonna watch some Tru Calling!
    Later peeps!
    Have a nice Sunday! :)

    Tru Calling!

    Yeah, peeps, I'm still alive!
    I've just not had the time to sit down and update. I'm working 12 days straight and I'm currently on the 6th day... 6 days to go...!
    It's all gonna be worth it though... It's so I can have my vacation in August! From the 1st to the 26th! I'm just gonna be in the states from the 1st to the 22nd though :( Want to stay longer... How about forever?

    I'm still waiting for Dakota to get here... It's probably gonna be another two weeks... though, considering how much I work, he's not missing out...! June is gonna be one crazy month with overtime!

    Right now I'm in bed watching Tru Calling, I am soooo hooked on that show!

    That girl Eliza Dushku, she's so hott! And SUCH a good actress!
    This is a TV show I can absolutely recommend! :)
    I bought the DVDs at Hemmakväll for 299 Sek! Worth every penny :)

    Oh! I still haven't told you the great news that I finally ordered the tickets! :) It feels soooo good!
    First off to New York, spend a few days there with Dakota's mom and brother, and then we'll fly out to LA and Dakota and I'll attend the big wedding! It's gonna be awesome!! :)
    Then we'll spend a few days in LA and maybe even drive around in Cali? Who knows, maybe even a trip to Vegas! ;)

    Then we'll go Houston, by train, bus or plane, I don't know yet, but we'll spend the remaining days there and the Hannah and I will have to go back to New York, and fly out from there... :(
    Those days are going to pass by so fast :(
    Then it's one long cold fall and winter without Dak, until I move out to L.A.
    ...I sure hope everything goes according to plan...

    Well, not much is going on right now... Working way too much, not getting enough sleep, and not attending the gym as much as I would like... But hopefully that'll all change soon enough!
    After next week, hopefully my schedule will be a bit more 'normal'!

    Then in July, when Dak's here, we're at least gonna go away to Gothenburg one weekend! We're gonna go to Liseberg! :) It's gonna be awesome!
    Then maybe, if there's time, we'll be able to swing by the summer house... I really really want to go there...! I actually miss that place...

    Another place I miss is Veggie heaven in Teaneck New Jersey... Hopefully we can all go there for the best sushi I've ever had one night... That would be awesome!
    And this time, maybe catch a play... That would be even more awesome! I really can't wait to go back to the states, and meet everyone!
    And moving there sure will be a dream come true... I'm going home! :)

    I'm gonna continue watching Tru Calling, I'll check in later!

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