This is what we do when we're bored!

This is what Sahel and I do when we're bored...(Today anyway!) Jimmy was today's target. Both hair and eye brows (hahaha)! Talk about getting in touch with your feminine side, dude!
Maybe we'll pick his eye brows too? I just get the picture of when Joey Tribbiani went to get his done and yeah, if you watch FRIENDS, y'all know what happened in that episode! L O L ! !
Jimmy didn't complain too much though... Just that we didn't have any fun magazines for him to read... Such a whiner!
Damn... Just going to the store today was major pain... I still feel like a pregnant 80 year old lady... I know that makes no sense... but you know what I mean, right?
Tomorrow I have to get up at 8am to call the hospital here in Helsingborg. I'm going to try and get an appointment for them to take a look at my stomach... and preferably change the bandages... and wash the wound...
Now we're gonna chill to a good movie... Really takes it out of you to style a dude like that! :P~
