It all might ACTUALLY work! Wiiiie!
Morning glorious to all you bloggers out there!
How's this Thrusday been treatin' ya so far?
Mine has been pretty damn good actually (except the fact that I have a cough from hell...)... Anyway! I've slept until noon... and that was just wonderful... I sure will miss this when I go back to work... Just considering I start at 6:47 on Saturday... "Hellooo alarm that will go off at 5am..." *Sigh*
Moving ooon... I JUST got off the phone with the schedule and vacation planner at work, and she gave me time off work! Can you believe it? JUST like that!
I feel even closer to Kenya now! Hahaaaa! Damn it to hell if this doesn't follow through...!
Now I need to figure out where to stay...! I've asked my friend Mary to talk to Y.M.C.A... I know they have renovated the hostel, and it's more expensive now... But I don't know how much... I also sent them an e-mail, but I haven't gotten a reply yet...
I've also decided to buy a video camera...! They have a really cool and small one at Net On Net! And it's only 1700 SEK!
...I also need to buy a new memory card for my Olympus camera...!
...Sure it's a good thing I've started packing (the apartment)... And the fact that I'm almost done... It's just that... I kind of want my Kenya travel guide... And I have absolutely no idea what so ever, where it is! ''Yaay mee''!
Oooh well... I still need to go through my boxes to find my Everlast bag... The one I had last time... It was really good...!
And I'm gonna use the big backpack I bought in New York... And I will fill it with clothes to the orphanage... and I'll just bring a few change of clothes for me... I'll just have to wash the clothes more often... Or this time I might actually find a place where I can but t-shirts? :P
Or I'll just ask Mary to head back to Adam's arcade! :)
I spent A LOT of time yesterday watching the videos from Kenya... It's soooo sweet to watch them again... That's pretty much the reason why I want to buy a video camera... Cause those videos are just... Yeah... I mean I do LOVE the pictures I have... But the videos keep it all even more real! And hopefully the new video camera will do the same thing this time! :)
Besides... When I'm applying for the International Internship program... I'll be able to send them TWO videos from Kenya... And hopefully that will help me to get picked! (A girl can dream, right?) :)
Aaaanyway! I'm gonna clean up in here for a bit, until I get a call from Roy.... We're gonna go to Body Art today! I am so excited to see if he's done with my tattoo yet! If he is I'll be gettin' it soon! :) Wohoo!
Anyway, I'll check back with y'all later!
Have a GREAT day!
This picture is from Nairobi Animal Orphanage. Mary, the cheeta and I :)

How's this Thrusday been treatin' ya so far?
Mine has been pretty damn good actually (except the fact that I have a cough from hell...)... Anyway! I've slept until noon... and that was just wonderful... I sure will miss this when I go back to work... Just considering I start at 6:47 on Saturday... "Hellooo alarm that will go off at 5am..." *Sigh*
Moving ooon... I JUST got off the phone with the schedule and vacation planner at work, and she gave me time off work! Can you believe it? JUST like that!
I feel even closer to Kenya now! Hahaaaa! Damn it to hell if this doesn't follow through...!
Now I need to figure out where to stay...! I've asked my friend Mary to talk to Y.M.C.A... I know they have renovated the hostel, and it's more expensive now... But I don't know how much... I also sent them an e-mail, but I haven't gotten a reply yet...
I've also decided to buy a video camera...! They have a really cool and small one at Net On Net! And it's only 1700 SEK!
...I also need to buy a new memory card for my Olympus camera...!
...Sure it's a good thing I've started packing (the apartment)... And the fact that I'm almost done... It's just that... I kind of want my Kenya travel guide... And I have absolutely no idea what so ever, where it is! ''Yaay mee''!
Oooh well... I still need to go through my boxes to find my Everlast bag... The one I had last time... It was really good...!
And I'm gonna use the big backpack I bought in New York... And I will fill it with clothes to the orphanage... and I'll just bring a few change of clothes for me... I'll just have to wash the clothes more often... Or this time I might actually find a place where I can but t-shirts? :P
Or I'll just ask Mary to head back to Adam's arcade! :)
I spent A LOT of time yesterday watching the videos from Kenya... It's soooo sweet to watch them again... That's pretty much the reason why I want to buy a video camera... Cause those videos are just... Yeah... I mean I do LOVE the pictures I have... But the videos keep it all even more real! And hopefully the new video camera will do the same thing this time! :)
Besides... When I'm applying for the International Internship program... I'll be able to send them TWO videos from Kenya... And hopefully that will help me to get picked! (A girl can dream, right?) :)
Aaaanyway! I'm gonna clean up in here for a bit, until I get a call from Roy.... We're gonna go to Body Art today! I am so excited to see if he's done with my tattoo yet! If he is I'll be gettin' it soon! :) Wohoo!
Anyway, I'll check back with y'all later!
Have a GREAT day!
This picture is from Nairobi Animal Orphanage. Mary, the cheeta and I :)

Postat av: Anonym
Hejsan! Vilken fin blogg du har! Som projektarbete har jag startat en blogg till alla tjejer som handlar om att ha ett positivt tankesätt. Jag vill att alla underbara tjejer ska få tips på hur man blir nöjd med sig själv.
Men vi måste alla hjälpas åt! Titta gärna in på min blogg och kanske skriv en liten rad om den på din blogg. Ha en fortsatt underbar dag och kom ihåg att du är värdefull! /Camilla