TRISS lottery ticket ? ID, please!
Did you know that you actually need to be 18 to buy TRISS lottery tickets?
This, I found out yesterday, when I went to Hemköp to buy lotion (Dove Summer glow)... and thought to try my luck with Triss (no, I didn't win)... But she actually asked for my ID!
I was like ''Umm, yeah... okay... Why, again?''
....They ask for my ID to buy a damn lottery ticket... but kids under 18 can still buy alcohol and cigarettes without showing ID... Ideal world or what?
I was sooooo looking forward to hang out with Cilí today, but I totally forgot that we decided to meet up at noon. Which is now... And I'm still in Helsingborg... :(
Well, sure, it's great that I can spend the afternoon with Sahel, but I really wanted to meed Cilí! But we decided to meet up later this week! I'm working 6 our of 7 days... but ey... Damn ''murder week''.
Right now I'm thinking about little Baboosh back in Malmö... wondering if she turned my apartment upside down or what... Please let me find the apartment the same way I left it yesterday. Pleeeeeease!
I want brunch!
Later people! And don't forget your IDs, wherever you go!