The art of FLIRTING...
Yes, yesterday I had a very VERY amusing conversation with Anno. I MISS YOU TOO!!! Lavlav!
Now, to the topic of this entry...
Cíli and I went to Indian Side Restaurant today... Gotta love their food on Wednesdays! Not to mention the über hott waiter... He's fiiiiiine!
Anyway... Cíli dared me to give him my number... And I just couldn't resist. Nervous as hell... Heck even SHE was nervous, on my behalf! :P~
...Anywaaaay... When we were done and about to leave... I walked up to him, and asked him for a pen... and I wrote down my number on a piece of paper... Looked up at him... (WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? Was going through my mind)... And just said like... ''Well, you only live once... so... Here you go...'' and handed him the note.
He smiled and chuckled, and told me that he was sorry, but he has a wife and a kid... (Hot daaamn!)... I didn't really know what to say at that point, so I was like... ''Doh, sorry dude! Thanks for the food anyway!'' And then Cíli and I left... :P~
Hahaha, it was hilarious! And I still feel proud of myself for daring! What do you have to loose, anyway!?
At least he got an ego boost for today!
Flirt away people! It's always nice to know you're appreciated! :)

hahahaha you go girl! me sooo proud! :P
so what now, gonna find a new indian restaurant or go back looking oh so fine ? ;)