Next stop: Emergency Room followed by surgery.
Okay, people... So that pain wasn't just any pain...!
I did go to work on Thursday morning... But right after we left Malmö the pain got a lot worse... I felt like I had to go to the E.R a.s.a.p... And since I was headed for Alvesta, and my dad was in Växjö, I stayed on the train to Växjö and my dad picked me up and dropped me off at the E.R...
They took me in right away... And ran test after test after test....!
They put in an IV and gave me morphine for the pain..whoot whoot! Made me feel nauseous as hell! But they gave me something for that too...!
I think they took a blood test 3 times... and 4 different people felt my stomach... ''Yeah, sure, why not? Just press where it hurts, over and over again, do that!''
Then I had to go to the OB/GYN for more tests... They wanted to make sure I didn't have like a cyst or something on my uterus.... All clear!
Then after some more test they came to the conclusion that it was an appendicitis infection... And I was in need of surgery... And I think this was around 10 pm on Thursday night...
At first they said I would probably have the surgery during the night... But apparently they had a bunch of other operations they needed to do.. So I was scheduled to surgery on Friday morning at 8am...
It was a night of pain, and boredom to the max... And of course they brought in an old lady on the bed next to mine... And damnit to hell she could snore! Thank God for my iPod! :P~
So, yesterday morning, it was time... It was scary... Really sacary... Especially when they were going to sedate... It was creapy...
Then I just woke up in the ICU... Couldn't speak... cause apparently they'd put a tube down my throath... Ouch(!!!)
The hours I spent in the ICU were just awful...! And of course I had a clock right in front of me... So I could see how S L O W the time was... Awful! I was just lying there in pain and nauseous to the max...
When they finally took me down to ''my room'' the old lady had gone... (yesss!) and I slept through the day, waking up every other hour, either cause I was in need of more morphine or cause they were going to run more tests... blood preasure, check my temperature... and so on...
Seriously, I have never been so bored, all my life! Especially since I had to go to the E.R in Växjö... I didn't know anyone there...
Today has also been very very boring... But at least I'm at my dad's house in Hovmantorp now... I'm going back to Malmö tomorrow. I'll go with Sahel. She has a lay over in Alvesta tonight, so I'll hook up with her on the train tomorrow.
I just can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed.
It just really sucks... My stomach hurts like hell, and they didn't give me any good pain killers... They don't work... :/
Well... I guess I can be thankful I will never have to deal with this ever again... VERY thankful, cause this sure has been awful!
But I do want to thank all my wonderful friends for your support! You are amazing! I love you all! <3
Stay healthy!
I did go to work on Thursday morning... But right after we left Malmö the pain got a lot worse... I felt like I had to go to the E.R a.s.a.p... And since I was headed for Alvesta, and my dad was in Växjö, I stayed on the train to Växjö and my dad picked me up and dropped me off at the E.R...
They took me in right away... And ran test after test after test....!
They put in an IV and gave me morphine for the pain..whoot whoot! Made me feel nauseous as hell! But they gave me something for that too...!
I think they took a blood test 3 times... and 4 different people felt my stomach... ''Yeah, sure, why not? Just press where it hurts, over and over again, do that!''
Then I had to go to the OB/GYN for more tests... They wanted to make sure I didn't have like a cyst or something on my uterus.... All clear!
Then after some more test they came to the conclusion that it was an appendicitis infection... And I was in need of surgery... And I think this was around 10 pm on Thursday night...
At first they said I would probably have the surgery during the night... But apparently they had a bunch of other operations they needed to do.. So I was scheduled to surgery on Friday morning at 8am...
It was a night of pain, and boredom to the max... And of course they brought in an old lady on the bed next to mine... And damnit to hell she could snore! Thank God for my iPod! :P~
So, yesterday morning, it was time... It was scary... Really sacary... Especially when they were going to sedate... It was creapy...
Then I just woke up in the ICU... Couldn't speak... cause apparently they'd put a tube down my throath... Ouch(!!!)
The hours I spent in the ICU were just awful...! And of course I had a clock right in front of me... So I could see how S L O W the time was... Awful! I was just lying there in pain and nauseous to the max...
When they finally took me down to ''my room'' the old lady had gone... (yesss!) and I slept through the day, waking up every other hour, either cause I was in need of more morphine or cause they were going to run more tests... blood preasure, check my temperature... and so on...
Seriously, I have never been so bored, all my life! Especially since I had to go to the E.R in Växjö... I didn't know anyone there...
Today has also been very very boring... But at least I'm at my dad's house in Hovmantorp now... I'm going back to Malmö tomorrow. I'll go with Sahel. She has a lay over in Alvesta tonight, so I'll hook up with her on the train tomorrow.
I just can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed.
It just really sucks... My stomach hurts like hell, and they didn't give me any good pain killers... They don't work... :/
Well... I guess I can be thankful I will never have to deal with this ever again... VERY thankful, cause this sure has been awful!
But I do want to thank all my wonderful friends for your support! You are amazing! I love you all! <3
Stay healthy!
