Green and Blue Birthday cakes! :)

Buenas noches amigos...
What are your thoughts now that you see this picture?
I can't seem to find my USB cord to my camera... So I won't be able to share any more pictures as of right now, unfortunately! But just to five you the idea... When I tell you that Brooke (Anna) and I made a blue and a green cake today! I'm not lyin'! ;)
And I'm not lyin' when I tell you they were Yummyyyyyyy!!! :)
I'm so high on sugar right now, it's not even funny... But also I think I'm coming down with something... Which sucks big time! I have an awful head ache and just feel exhausted in my entire body! :/
...I'm actually gonna go lie down and watch a movie or something... But I have a feeling I'll fall asleep very very soon...
My throat also hurts like hell... No good...! I blame the hospital visit...! Full of germs....!
Still want to thank the people who showed up this afternoon, it was so nice! Thank you for a great afternoon! :)
Anna & Ullis, your present rocked! I'll go look for the eye candy a.s.a.p! ;)
And a big thank you to Elin as well for the blouse! :)
I'm off!
Later peeps!
