Ben & Jerry's Phish Food....
Sooo... Yeah it's still my birthday....
The very adorable Emil called me today and sang one verse of Happy Birthday to me! Precious! That totally made my day!
Thank you for that!
I've gotten many b-day wishes on Facebook and text messages and a few phone calls. It sure has been nice! But I gotta say I would have liked more phone calls... It's more personal, you know...
But I shouldn't complain... which I'm not doing, really... It was just a comment... Anywhooooo.....!
I went to the office to drop off my sick leave papers.... and on my way back I went to Hemmakväll... I thought to buy a movie or two to keep myself busy with tonight.
I bought Dharma & Greg season 1 for ONLY 99:-(!!!) That is cheap! I also bought Bodyguard (Kevin Costner & Whitney Huston)...Classic :) And a movie called Inside man with Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster... Don't know if it's good but it sure has some amazing actors! Which is the reason why I bought it! :P
And I couldn't resist to buy a little B&J today... being my birthday and all... And daaaaaaamn it.... It tasted like heaven.
Just look at it!!

Ben & Jerry's Phish food - Chocolate ice cream with marshmallows, caramel fudge and chocolate fish... YUMM!!
Totally worth the money... ½ L = 49:- .... It's freakin' expensive, but sooooo good!
Which B&J's Ice Cream is your favorite?
Yumm yumm yumm...
I also had a very very nice talk with Alex today... I miss her...! I hope I'll get to meet her next week! My crazy wise ass sister friend <3 :)
One totally annoying thing... The light bulb in my livingroom... Kinda broke... So right now it's like very dark in here... but I'm too tired to go to the store for a freakin' light bulb...
Just think of all the power I'm saving... :P~ Just trying to find something positive in this too... ;)
Well, I'm gonna get back to my movies!
More soon!
The very adorable Emil called me today and sang one verse of Happy Birthday to me! Precious! That totally made my day!
Thank you for that!
I've gotten many b-day wishes on Facebook and text messages and a few phone calls. It sure has been nice! But I gotta say I would have liked more phone calls... It's more personal, you know...
But I shouldn't complain... which I'm not doing, really... It was just a comment... Anywhooooo.....!
I went to the office to drop off my sick leave papers.... and on my way back I went to Hemmakväll... I thought to buy a movie or two to keep myself busy with tonight.
I bought Dharma & Greg season 1 for ONLY 99:-(!!!) That is cheap! I also bought Bodyguard (Kevin Costner & Whitney Huston)...Classic :) And a movie called Inside man with Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster... Don't know if it's good but it sure has some amazing actors! Which is the reason why I bought it! :P
And I couldn't resist to buy a little B&J today... being my birthday and all... And daaaaaaamn it.... It tasted like heaven.
Just look at it!!

Ben & Jerry's Phish food - Chocolate ice cream with marshmallows, caramel fudge and chocolate fish... YUMM!!
Totally worth the money... ½ L = 49:- .... It's freakin' expensive, but sooooo good!
Which B&J's Ice Cream is your favorite?
Yumm yumm yumm...
I also had a very very nice talk with Alex today... I miss her...! I hope I'll get to meet her next week! My crazy wise ass sister friend <3 :)
One totally annoying thing... The light bulb in my livingroom... Kinda broke... So right now it's like very dark in here... but I'm too tired to go to the store for a freakin' light bulb...
Just think of all the power I'm saving... :P~ Just trying to find something positive in this too... ;)
Well, I'm gonna get back to my movies!
More soon!
