At the hospital.
Hey guys, how's it going ?
My stomach still hurts like hell... Cause the pills still don't work...
At 9:58am I left Hovmantorp... The bed I slept in was awful... or it's just that I'm still in so much pain, it was awful...
I woke up like every other hour from the pain... And I knew it was no use going down stairs popping more pills cause they don't work...
Anyway, Sahel got on the train in Växjö... and it was a good trip down to Malmö... And we decided that I was gonna come to her place and live with her for a few days, while I'm healing... So right now I'm in Helsignborg with Sahel and Jimmy...
It's really nice not to be alone... But damn... I move around like an 80 year old woman... and when ever I'm going to sit down or or get up you'd think I'm pregnant... It's so freaking annoying!
But today I bought some stronger painkillers at the pharmacy.... so I'm gonna try them in about 4 hours...
Well, to share my hospital visit with you guys... Here are som pics:

This is from the first room I was in... I think I was there for like 3 hours all together... They ran a bunch of tests... and I was so incredibly bored!

No more food for me... IV drip ftw! And morphine of course. Whoot whoot!

That oxygen stuff in my nose was really uncomfortable... but it was a big help when it came to nausea...! But damn... all pale and totally drugged up! And bored? Just a smidge...!

Two tiny ''peep holes'' and then the ''big one'' around the belly button... I still haven't removed the bandage... it's too scary!
But hopefully there won't be too big scars... :/
Yup yup... That was my hospital visit... So glad it's over now...!
Right now I feel really really dizzy, so I'm gonna go lie down... I'll talk to y'all later! :)

Postat av: Anno
u r just too cute. all my love to u!!
ps. i've come down with pneumonia, wanna be sick together? <3