Around Los Angeles and then off to Houston, TX!
Yes, I'm still alive... Just haven't had the opportunity to update lately!
Right now I'm in Houston, TX... And damn it's hott here...!
And this morning I woke up with a soar throat... And a few days ago i hurt my wrist.. And now it's all infected and gross.
Good thing I still have the antibiotics the dentist gave me last time I pulled out my tooth... But I don't know if it's helping... Doesn't look pretty. And yesterday I didn't eat at all... felt constantly sick...
...I hate being sick when I'm not at home...
Short about the trip to LA!
Didn't make it up to Karin and Joe or Karol and Matt unfortunately... That will just have to wait until next time!
One night we stayed at Dak's cousin Chandler in Hollywood hills... And the view from their place was AMAZING, over looking down town Hollywood!
...But getting to the apartment? Daaaaamn!
Let's just say the people who live there, all have the nicest, well toned ass in LA! My calfs are STILL hurting! ...That is just sad!
Then we stayed at Dak's cousin Corbette's house... She's together with the guy who wrote the Saw movies...
That house was AMAZING! And it was right on a hill side... and had a hot tub and an infinity pool in the back... Once again; Amazing house!!!
One night we went to the IMAX theatre at Universal City Walk to check out the new Harry Potter movie in 3D...
The first then minutes were AMAZING! Harry Potter needs to be seen in 3D!
....But apparently... they ONLY show in 3D the first 10 minutes... Such a total rip-off! Paying 18 dollars for that... noooooo...!
First ten minutes though - Wow! That's how HP should be experienced!
We also went to Venice and Santa Monica.. just enjoyed all the weird people and funny shops... :)
One day we also went with Dak's brother to a movie set in Simi Valley... They're recording a movie called Elevator girl... With Lacey Chabert (Gretchen in Mean girls) and Ryan Merriman (Final destination 3), who I got to meet at the set.
Lacey seems like such a sweet heart, and omg she's short! :)
Got a pic together with them, I'll post them later :)
What else...?
Oh yeah! We went to the La Brea tar pits where a scene from My Girl 2 was shot!
And after that we went to the Museum of Holocaust... That was really something... Next time I'm in LA I really want to visit the museum of Tolerrance!m! "next time".
We also drove up to Malibu one day... Damn, those houses...!
....That's something though... The houses here in the states... The ones I have been in so far, are all so amazing!
The interior and decoration... I love it!
Now I just have 4 more days in Houston, then I'm going back to New York... and then I'll head back to Sweden on Saturday... :(
Gotta go find out what's up for today!
Later peeps!

Right now I'm in Houston, TX... And damn it's hott here...!
And this morning I woke up with a soar throat... And a few days ago i hurt my wrist.. And now it's all infected and gross.
Good thing I still have the antibiotics the dentist gave me last time I pulled out my tooth... But I don't know if it's helping... Doesn't look pretty. And yesterday I didn't eat at all... felt constantly sick...
...I hate being sick when I'm not at home...
Short about the trip to LA!
Didn't make it up to Karin and Joe or Karol and Matt unfortunately... That will just have to wait until next time!
One night we stayed at Dak's cousin Chandler in Hollywood hills... And the view from their place was AMAZING, over looking down town Hollywood!
...But getting to the apartment? Daaaaamn!
Let's just say the people who live there, all have the nicest, well toned ass in LA! My calfs are STILL hurting! ...That is just sad!
Then we stayed at Dak's cousin Corbette's house... She's together with the guy who wrote the Saw movies...
That house was AMAZING! And it was right on a hill side... and had a hot tub and an infinity pool in the back... Once again; Amazing house!!!
One night we went to the IMAX theatre at Universal City Walk to check out the new Harry Potter movie in 3D...
The first then minutes were AMAZING! Harry Potter needs to be seen in 3D!
....But apparently... they ONLY show in 3D the first 10 minutes... Such a total rip-off! Paying 18 dollars for that... noooooo...!
First ten minutes though - Wow! That's how HP should be experienced!
We also went to Venice and Santa Monica.. just enjoyed all the weird people and funny shops... :)
One day we also went with Dak's brother to a movie set in Simi Valley... They're recording a movie called Elevator girl... With Lacey Chabert (Gretchen in Mean girls) and Ryan Merriman (Final destination 3), who I got to meet at the set.
Lacey seems like such a sweet heart, and omg she's short! :)
Got a pic together with them, I'll post them later :)
What else...?
Oh yeah! We went to the La Brea tar pits where a scene from My Girl 2 was shot!
And after that we went to the Museum of Holocaust... That was really something... Next time I'm in LA I really want to visit the museum of Tolerrance!m! "next time".
We also drove up to Malibu one day... Damn, those houses...!
....That's something though... The houses here in the states... The ones I have been in so far, are all so amazing!
The interior and decoration... I love it!
Now I just have 4 more days in Houston, then I'm going back to New York... and then I'll head back to Sweden on Saturday... :(
Gotta go find out what's up for today!
Later peeps!
