First Class to Cali and then headed for Solvang and Los Olivos!
Hey heeeeey!

Yes! I am still alive!
Currently I am in Solvang, California!
Dakota and I hung out in the apartment most of the day until the car picked us up to go to the Newark airport!
It sure was a great experience!
Just walking up to the First Class - priority access counter when we were gonna check in was so awesome!
I sure sound like a broken record by now but I can not thank Melissa enough for arranging the flights for us, and this one being in First Class!
We were assigned seats 3J and K.. I think. And the seats were so comfortable! They even had massage mode!!
I could lie down and watch the movie "Grey Gardens" that they showed... It wasn't a good movie though... But I didn't care!
Then we got menus! I chose Salmon... And we got salads, bread and some other weird appetizer... Then we got dessert! Vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup! And then topped that off with a chocolate...
Oh, and before landing we got chocolate chip cookie... :)
I did take pics, and I will upload them when I get the chance! :)
We arrived in Cali around 10pm.. limo came to pick us up and drove us to Tarzana!
It felt so good to back in Cali! I have missed it here!
And then we came up to the house... I got to meet Bruce, he's such a nice guy, and funny too!
He was surprised I actually knew of the Macahan Family... Tssss, please! :) Of course I do!
And their house... Oh, my, God... It was just gorgeous... Fantastic...!
There are no words...!
But the coolest thing though was when I saw the actual dress Melissa wore in Little house on the prairie, running down the hill in the intro...
It wasn't just framed... It was perfectly framed.... It was WOW. To sum it up :)
Oh, and the dogs!!!
Napoleon, what a snore master!! Snore and snot! Lovely! But he was just adorable... But I totally fell in love with their King Charles Cavalier... What a beauty! Such a sweetheart!
And mentioning a sweetheart... Their cat... Can not remember the name at this moment.. But what a darling!!!
I could just take her with me! And she did jump into my bag, so she felt it too. haha.
No, seriously, what sweetheart animals...
I got to sleep in Mike's room, which, by the way was awesome! Gotta say! Coolest room of a 13 year old I have ever seen! ;)
And he also had some sort of flying squirrel... Can't remember what it's called... :/
We went to bed around 2 am... and I had such a good night's sleep!
Until the cat wanted t sleep on my head, Napoleon on one side and the other cutie on my other side... And it wasn't that big of bed! ;)
This morning was really stressful... Cause at first we didn't have a car to get up to Solvang, as planned... but it all worked out ok... But when we had gotten to Oxnard, I realized we had forgotten the wedding gift, and we needed to go back... And then we drove straight to Solvang, checked in to the motel, Viking Motel, probably the cheapest one in the village, compared to the others...
Then we went to the rehearsal dinner and met a bunch of cousins! ;) Not everyone was there, I am looking forward to seeing them all tomorrow! I can't wait!!! ;)
But seriously it feels so good to be back in Cali. This feels like home...! I am home! :)
Now I gotta go to bed, but I'll update again as soon as I get the chance! :)
Later sweethearts!
