It's all in my head...
Geez, nine days has passed since I last updated my blog. Bad, I know.
Right now I'm in the notorious ''Fritzl basement'' (inside joke at work), in Alvesta.
I'm gonna be here for the next four hours... Crazy shift. Go up to Alvesta. Have a 5 hour break, and then go back to Malmö, and I'm done for the day. I'm just glad 4 out of 5 hours are paid!
I did go back to NYC, and spent one last day there... Which was really great! I sure love that city!
I got to see Melissa, Mike and Kathryn (and Josephine of course) again.. Which was nice.
Stayed for dinner... and then I went back to my hotel close to JFK.
Something I didn't check in advance (from now on I sure will) was that I had a 12 hour lay over in London... Joy!
It was ok though... I spent the night at a café on Heathrow, talking to strangers and reading magazines, surfing the web... But the 12 hours went by slooooooooooooooowly...!
I have been home for a week now, but I have also been jet lagged for a week! It has been the most awful jet lag so far!
And as you know, I'm back in business... And I couldn't be more bummed. I like vacation. I like travelling. I like not being in Sweden.
Though, I did miss my friends terribly when I was away. They made the home coming easier. Love you all!
Well, Dakota and I aren't together anymore...
And so, now my plans for the near future are a bit... un decided.
I was supposed to go to the states in the winter... I still want to go, and I'm looking in to other possibilities...
I am even considering college... But I don't know what to study. I know exactly where I want to study, but I don't know what. Frustrating!
But, I have also contacted Brandon, the guy I met in Kenya, who offered me a job as an English teacher and a mentor for young girls... I'm thinking about going away to Kenya for a few months again...
Though the job isn't paid, he'll pay for my ticket over there, and my living arrangements... I'll just have to pay for food... And since it's not all that expensive, I guess I could be there for like 3 months or so without any problemd...
I'm just in another crisis right now...I don't know what I want to do in life... All I know is that I don't want to be stuck in Sweden anymore! I'm miserable here.
My friends make it worth while though... They are my everything here. Love love love!
I think I should start college soon, before I get too old... but I still don't know WHAT I want to study... And I don't want to get a HUGE student load, studying something I'm not gonna use in the future... I want to be sure. Absolutely sure.
... But can you be ?
I'm a mess right now... AND I have to move soon.
Anna's moving out on the 29th of October, as will I. I'm moving in with my friend Sandra and her boyfriend. For now at least.
I don't want to be a burden, so I won't stay for long, but during the time I do stay there I need to figure out what my next move is gonna be...!
Right now I just want to go home and go to bed and just stay in bed for the rest of the day... But no... I'm here for 4 hours more... *sigh*
At least I'm alone... Enjoying the silence and me time... That's nice.
I'm gonna go get something to eat, and then I'm gonna spend the 4 hours watching movies.
Right now I'm in the notorious ''Fritzl basement'' (inside joke at work), in Alvesta.
I'm gonna be here for the next four hours... Crazy shift. Go up to Alvesta. Have a 5 hour break, and then go back to Malmö, and I'm done for the day. I'm just glad 4 out of 5 hours are paid!
I did go back to NYC, and spent one last day there... Which was really great! I sure love that city!
I got to see Melissa, Mike and Kathryn (and Josephine of course) again.. Which was nice.
Stayed for dinner... and then I went back to my hotel close to JFK.
Something I didn't check in advance (from now on I sure will) was that I had a 12 hour lay over in London... Joy!
It was ok though... I spent the night at a café on Heathrow, talking to strangers and reading magazines, surfing the web... But the 12 hours went by slooooooooooooooowly...!
I have been home for a week now, but I have also been jet lagged for a week! It has been the most awful jet lag so far!
And as you know, I'm back in business... And I couldn't be more bummed. I like vacation. I like travelling. I like not being in Sweden.
Though, I did miss my friends terribly when I was away. They made the home coming easier. Love you all!
Well, Dakota and I aren't together anymore...
And so, now my plans for the near future are a bit... un decided.
I was supposed to go to the states in the winter... I still want to go, and I'm looking in to other possibilities...
I am even considering college... But I don't know what to study. I know exactly where I want to study, but I don't know what. Frustrating!
But, I have also contacted Brandon, the guy I met in Kenya, who offered me a job as an English teacher and a mentor for young girls... I'm thinking about going away to Kenya for a few months again...
Though the job isn't paid, he'll pay for my ticket over there, and my living arrangements... I'll just have to pay for food... And since it's not all that expensive, I guess I could be there for like 3 months or so without any problemd...
I'm just in another crisis right now...I don't know what I want to do in life... All I know is that I don't want to be stuck in Sweden anymore! I'm miserable here.
My friends make it worth while though... They are my everything here. Love love love!
I think I should start college soon, before I get too old... but I still don't know WHAT I want to study... And I don't want to get a HUGE student load, studying something I'm not gonna use in the future... I want to be sure. Absolutely sure.
... But can you be ?
I'm a mess right now... AND I have to move soon.
Anna's moving out on the 29th of October, as will I. I'm moving in with my friend Sandra and her boyfriend. For now at least.
I don't want to be a burden, so I won't stay for long, but during the time I do stay there I need to figure out what my next move is gonna be...!
Right now I just want to go home and go to bed and just stay in bed for the rest of the day... But no... I'm here for 4 hours more... *sigh*
At least I'm alone... Enjoying the silence and me time... That's nice.
I'm gonna go get something to eat, and then I'm gonna spend the 4 hours watching movies.
