Little house on the prairie rehearsals at Times Square AND a bomb threat downtown!
2009 - 08 - 04:
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update, the internet was out yesterday, all day.. so I was totally disconnected with the internet world!
Dak wasn't feeling well yesterday morning, so he stayed home... But I went with Melissa and Mike to Bubby's at around 9:15am to meet up with Meredith (who's playing Eliza Wilder/Mrs. Brewster) and Steve (who's playing Pa) to take the subway to Times Square together.
When we got to the studio there were so many people... and they all seemed to know eachother pretty well.. And they were all very social, and I met so many great people!
Then they had a meeting with producers, crew people and the actors... Even that was interesting to watch!
Then they had their very first read through of the play... I got to be in there for that as well! Taking pictures of Mike's first read through! :)
And Oh, my, God...! It was just sooooooooo Amazing!!! I got all teary when I heard Melissa read....
I've followerd Little House since I can remember... and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all!
They really nailed the other characters aswell... The girl who's playing Mary (Caroline...something) She's doing SUCH a good job! When she read the part where she's going blind... I was crying.. It was sooo good!!
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
At lunch break we went to a burger place around Times Square... Can not remember what the place is called...
They offered me to join them on the second part of the reading... But I wanted to take care of some shopping in the city, and I am absolutely gonna go see this musical at some point so I'll let it all be a surprise!
I went around Times Square... Not really knowing where I was going...
Then I went downtown to Christopher st. and Bleecker... I wanted to find that random t-shirt store...which I didn't, but I was happy anyway... I did find my way back to Magnolia Bakery... It was sooo crowded... How couldn't it be, being that small and all... But still...!
I bought some cup cakes and a key lime cheese cake for Mike. Delicioooouuuuuusssssss!
Then I went back to TriBeCa to drop off the cupcakes...
Then I headed back out... And went downtown to find Century 21...
And yeah, I found it, but the place was swamped with cops and firemen (HOT!)
... But apparently there was a bomb threat at Church st.... I had to go in the back door through the Century 21 shoe store...
But first I went to another shoe store and bought a pair of really nice boots! :D
Then I spend like 2 hours at Century 21 and spent like 250 dollars all together.... But I was in heaven for sure! :D
Me liiiiiiike shopping! :)
Hey guys!
Sorry for the late update, the internet was out yesterday, all day.. so I was totally disconnected with the internet world!
Dak wasn't feeling well yesterday morning, so he stayed home... But I went with Melissa and Mike to Bubby's at around 9:15am to meet up with Meredith (who's playing Eliza Wilder/Mrs. Brewster) and Steve (who's playing Pa) to take the subway to Times Square together.
When we got to the studio there were so many people... and they all seemed to know eachother pretty well.. And they were all very social, and I met so many great people!
Then they had a meeting with producers, crew people and the actors... Even that was interesting to watch!
Then they had their very first read through of the play... I got to be in there for that as well! Taking pictures of Mike's first read through! :)
And Oh, my, God...! It was just sooooooooo Amazing!!! I got all teary when I heard Melissa read....
I've followerd Little House since I can remember... and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all!
They really nailed the other characters aswell... The girl who's playing Mary (Caroline...something) She's doing SUCH a good job! When she read the part where she's going blind... I was crying.. It was sooo good!!
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
At lunch break we went to a burger place around Times Square... Can not remember what the place is called...
They offered me to join them on the second part of the reading... But I wanted to take care of some shopping in the city, and I am absolutely gonna go see this musical at some point so I'll let it all be a surprise!
I went around Times Square... Not really knowing where I was going...
Then I went downtown to Christopher st. and Bleecker... I wanted to find that random t-shirt store...which I didn't, but I was happy anyway... I did find my way back to Magnolia Bakery... It was sooo crowded... How couldn't it be, being that small and all... But still...!
I bought some cup cakes and a key lime cheese cake for Mike. Delicioooouuuuuusssssss!
Then I went back to TriBeCa to drop off the cupcakes...
Then I headed back out... And went downtown to find Century 21...
And yeah, I found it, but the place was swamped with cops and firemen (HOT!)
... But apparently there was a bomb threat at Church st.... I had to go in the back door through the Century 21 shoe store...
But first I went to another shoe store and bought a pair of really nice boots! :D
Then I spend like 2 hours at Century 21 and spent like 250 dollars all together.... But I was in heaven for sure! :D
Me liiiiiiike shopping! :)
