Bad memories..
Okay, so... Yesterday really wasn't a good day...

Not necessarily cause of work... Passengers and all... (They still weren't at the best behavior either tho'...)
I feel like every time I'm beginning to feel good and be happy... There's something... Always something that has to ruin that for me...
Lately I've actually felt pretty good.. Like things are looking up... (Of course not that K is so far away from me.. That part sucks... but I am grateful that I have met him...!)
Anyways... Yesterday I saw someone... Can you imagine a person whom you hate so incredibly much... Not just ''I hate pea soup'' kind of hate... But the most deep and pure hate imaginable... This is the kind of hate I feel for this person.
This person totally destroyed me a few years back... Destroyed me and made me live in fear... Made me unable to trust people... I became a totally different person. And my life just went downhill from there...
I hoped never to have to see this person ever again.. But yesterday... At the central station...
I just walked past, like I didn't see... But I sure felt it... Like a big rock in my stomach... Felt so sick... Nauseous... All bad memories came back.. and have been hunting me since.
I'm trying to let go, I really am... It just came as such a big shock yesterday that I don't really know what to do with all these emotions..
Hopefully it'll pass... But right now... I have never felt the need to leave a place like I do now.. I just want to disappear... Never go back. Never.
Back to good things...
Yeah I got to see both Alex, Debbie and Linda yesterday!
I had to take a cab from Kristianstad to Malmö yesterday as well... And for once it was a nice driver who really knew how to drive...!
Today I'm working 3:08pm - 12:33am... I think I have like one Kristianstad and 2 Copenhagen... Just a guess..
I just hope it'll be calm... Truly! And I hope I don't have to work alone...!
I'm gonna go read for a bit... Try to relax and not think too much..
