Porcelain doll.
It sure was a wonderful Christmas dinner at Ulrika's yesterday! Debbie, Linda, Thomas, Anna and Johan was also there.

The food was really great, but it was just so nice to be around people you care about... Wonderful!
Ulrika really outdid herself again!
In the evening I got a text message from Angelica. She wondered if I wanted to model for her again, today.
That meant getting up at 8am... But I did it anyway :)
Very interesting actually! Today she turned me into a porcelain doll! There was glitter - EVERYWHERE! Even in my mouth... "Yumm.." But it was a lot of fun!
It was just a bit frustrating with the white foundation and all... Like I'm not albino enough?
I think I ended upp looking like a geisha heading for a Christmas party... What do you think? ;)
The picture to the right is the look I got after the porcelain look... Called the evening look.. A little bit more appropriate for work, don't ya think? ;)
It was just a bit frustrating with the white foundation and all... Like I'm not albino enough?
I think I ended upp looking like a geisha heading for a Christmas party... What do you think? ;)
The picture to the right is the look I got after the porcelain look... Called the evening look.. A little bit more appropriate for work, don't ya think? ;)
I don't start work until 5:08pm today... Really nice. I just have one trip to Karlskrona and back. Tranquiiiilo! :)
I just wrote 2 more pages in my book... I have 5 pages so far... Feel a bit like I'm stuck... I know what's gonna happen and all, I just don't know how to get there..
Maybe it'll come to me... Something will speak to me... Telling me how to write...
I am thinking about re-writing it to English instead... Maybe I will, if I can't move on from here...
Hmm.. I wonder who will be the first to read it when it's done... I think I'm gonna ask my friend Elin. She's one of the smartest people I know.. And I know she'd be honest with me. For better or for worse :P~
For now I think I'm gonna rest a bit before I'm off to work..
Talk later!
