Globetrottergirl becomes international!
Yes, after alot of consideration I came to the conclusion that I want my blog to be international!
I have so many friends in other places of the world that won't be able to read my blog just cause it's in Swedish.
Besides, I've always liked English a whole lot more anyway. It's alot easier for me to express myself!
I do apologize for any typos that may occur :P
I'm finally off work! All weekend, it's so incredibly nice!
Working mornings and not getting enough sleep during the night is not a good combination! I've just slept for 11 hours straight! So good! :)
I have no idea what I'm gonna do today... But as for right now, I just want to drink my tea and relax... It's a wonderful feeling, for sure!
Other than that, I'm still missing K alot.. He'll go back to the states this weekend..
I was talking to my relative, E, in Cali the other day... I miss LA so much and all my relatives.. And the weather for sure!
I'd just like to take time off any fly over to the states and travel around (all the warm places).. And maybe end with like Alaska or something and go skiing and snowboarding. Sure would be awesome.
I am rather excited though, about maybe getting to go back to Cali next summer for Suz's wedding. That would be so great!
Right, now I need more tea..
I'll write more later!
Take care out there!
I have so many friends in other places of the world that won't be able to read my blog just cause it's in Swedish.
Besides, I've always liked English a whole lot more anyway. It's alot easier for me to express myself!
I do apologize for any typos that may occur :P
I'm finally off work! All weekend, it's so incredibly nice!
Working mornings and not getting enough sleep during the night is not a good combination! I've just slept for 11 hours straight! So good! :)
I have no idea what I'm gonna do today... But as for right now, I just want to drink my tea and relax... It's a wonderful feeling, for sure!
Other than that, I'm still missing K alot.. He'll go back to the states this weekend..
I was talking to my relative, E, in Cali the other day... I miss LA so much and all my relatives.. And the weather for sure!
I'd just like to take time off any fly over to the states and travel around (all the warm places).. And maybe end with like Alaska or something and go skiing and snowboarding. Sure would be awesome.
I am rather excited though, about maybe getting to go back to Cali next summer for Suz's wedding. That would be so great!
Right, now I need more tea..
I'll write more later!
Take care out there!