KENYA 2010-11-13 [10:30am] at Kastrup airport
Hey peeps,
I’m currently sitting in some food court at Kastrup airport… Early bird, has 2 more hours here…”Weee”. But it does feel good to BE here.
I checked in online yesterday, so I just went to the check in machine to pick up my boarding cards.
And at baggage drop I was 4th(!!!) in line! There are several perks of bein eary as well ;)
Then I went through the security check, and of course they looked through my bag. I think that’s like a curse… My bag ALWAYS gets checked. Not that I have anything to hide, it’s just annoying.
I remember when I went to the states in 2006, at first my flight was cancelled and I had to take another one, and I just had one hour transfer, and had to transfer in the US, which means I have to re-check in my luggage, and when I did that and just had like 20 minutes to get to my gate, of course the security guard checked my bag, VERY thuroughly (is that even a word?). And when I pointed out that I have a plane to catch, he was like …”tough luck”. BAH!
But, right now everything’s good… Tomorrow at this time I’ll be in Nairobi, going to church with Mary and then off to Shangilia!
This is it for now!
Over and out!

Got my boarding pass!
My Kenya adventure: Part 3, starts right here, almost right now! :)
I'm getting up in about 6 hours, stepping outside the door, and will head of to my Kenya adventue: Part 3! :)
Ready for bed, but not without giving you this message! ;)
I will leave for Kastrup in the morning... I'll arrive around 8-ish am, and the flight leaves at 12:25 for Istanbul.
I already checked in online, which was very nice... Now when the desks open I can just go straight to the baggage drop off queue :)
I have 2 hours in Istanbul, and then I'll fly to Nairobi... And I'll arrive at Nairobi airport at 2:10am (that's what you get when you only pay 5750 Sek for a round trip to Kenya! ;)
But that's ok.
I'll get a cab to my hostel, and I'll get settled... Then I'll probably go with Mary to her church and after that we'll both go to Shangilia! :)
And if my plans will unfold the way I want them to, I'll take the train to Mombasa on Wednesday and fly back on Sunday, and then I'll have one more week helping out at Shangilia! :)
The flights from Mombasa were actually pretty cheap, but I want to take the train there... it was such a great experience! :))
When I get the list of what they need at Shangilia I'll go around Nairobi, buying as much as the fundraiser money will buy! And in the afternoon, when the kids are back from school, I'll spend the afternoon there!
Gotta ask Mary which matatu to take to Kangemi, I totally forgot :P
AND, I will update as much as I can... I will write a journal every day when I'm there, but I might not have internet access all the time, but when I do, I will post as much as I can!
If you have any questions send me a message to
[email protected] and I'll get back to you when I can! :)
I will also take TONS of pictures, but the internet connection in Kenya can be pretty damn slow... so I'll just have to wait and see how many I can upload while I'm there, otherwise I promise to post when I get back!
Sweet dreams and take care for now!
More SOON!
Over and out!
Excitement!! :)))
This shows only a very small amount of my excitement...! It's insane!
...I'm sitting at home... kind of chilling... Packed both my backpack and my carry on luggage... still, one more bag wouldn't hurt!
Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment at 11am, then I'm going to Tamnack thai to get food for me and
Sandra... and later in the evening I'm going to Möllan's sermon, it's gonna be great! :)
Final count on the fundraiser! THANK YOU!
SO! I want to share the complete list of sponsors to my fundraiser:
☆ Me, myself and I :)
☆ Thomas G
☆ Anonymous
☆ Anonymous
☆ Elsie M
☆ Tina L
☆ Anonymous
☆ Jenny L
☆ Kajsa S
☆ Danie S
☆ Anonymous
☆ My great life group gang
☆ Johan A
☆ Anonymous
☆ Valmir V
☆ Emelie N
Thanks to all of us we have raised close to 5000 SeK which gives 55 066,08 Kenyan Shilling (712,67 USD).
I know this will bring a lot of joy to the kids at Shangilia!
As often as I can I will update here on my blog, and keep you posted about where I am and what I am doing, and what your money will buy! :)
I can't express my gratefulness in words... It means so so so much to me and even more to the kids at Shangilia that you're helping out!
Over and out!
More soon!
The fundraiser continues!
This is so so so amazing!!
Just this week I have gotten 1700 SEK to the Shangilia fundraiser!!! That is a total of ALMOST 4000 SEK (almost 600 USD!)
I can't tell you how thankful I am for YOUR help, and I know the kids at Shangilia will be forever thankful as well!
I've even started packing (just a bit...) Cause in exactly ONE WEEK, I will be ON the plane heading for Kenya!
It's going to be so so so wonderful to come back!!
T H A N K Y O U ! ! !
Updated sponsor list!
Hey hey!
Here's an update on the sponsor list!
☆ Thomas Granath
☆ Anonymous
☆ my lovely life group gang
☆ Johan Andersson
☆ "Ville Valle" :)
☆ Emelie N
☆ Me, myself and I :)
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
It's getting closer!
I just wish I could go, like right now!!
Going to my life group meeting tonight :) Hanging out with the girls! Looking forward to it :)
More later! (And I'll try not to make it two weeks later... sorry 'bout that!)
My visa got a little lost
Hey peeps,
I've spent the last half hour tracing my package with my passport!
I called the embassy in Stockholm and they told me they had returned my passport on September 30th... But I haven't got a slip that says I can pick it up... So I called a postal services, and they told me the mailman had delivered it to the wrong "postal agent"... SO! I will be able to pick it up on my regular postal agent on Monday!
Pheew! I was getting worried there for a minute!
Oh, if you're wondering why the posts about the competition have been removed is because I didn't get any feedback what so ever, so I decided to skip it. It's back to being a normal fund raiser, which was the idea from the start! :)
Since I haven't had any feedback I do't think anyone will mind.
But if you do have any questions just hit me up with an e-mail and I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.
I'm gonna get back to hot stuff one and two (Matthew Gray Gubler and Shemar Moore) on Criminal Minds!
Have a good day lovelies!
Keep going! Keep giving!
Hey peeps!
Now I have about 2500 SeK from the fund raiser! It's awesome!
Thank you all of you who have helped out!
Here's the list again:
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
☆ "Ville Valle"
Thank you!
And please, keep giving!
Help me; help the kids at Shangilia!
It's getting closer!
I hope I'll be able to at least double the amount of money before I go!
Help! :)
Crazy for Swayze night and dreams of Africa.
Hey peeps,
Last night I went to Em for "Crazy for Swayze" night with her and A. We watched Dirty Dancing (duh!) and Ghost.
It was actually the first time I watched that movie, but it was really good!
We all pigged out with chips, cheese rings and Hemmakväll candy (the best!) :)
Oh yeah, the other day I saw an ad in the paper (Metro), about "The worlds toughest job"...
If I hadn't already ordered my tickets to Kenya, I would so apply!
You get to go to Kenya, to a village called Kirwara (outside of Nairobi) and you get to work together with a woman called Elizabeth. You work all day together with her... from sunrise to sunset. You make like 1 Euro a day... Same as the women in the village!
You also blog about the experience while you're there and you get to make presentations about it when you get back.
It's only for three weeks, and I would LOVE to do it, but it's from Nov. 8th - Dec 4th....
Too bad they didn't post it sooner!
Who knows, I might take a matatu out there and say hi one day! :)
While searching the net for more experiences in Kenya I found the Kibera tours website!
I just wrote to them and said I wanted to have a tour when I get there.
Kibera is the biggest slum in East Africa, and I actually went through it last year when I went to Mombasa by train!
The tracks go through Kibera!
In the movie "The constant gardener" (one of my favorites) they also have some scenes from Kibera!
My friend Anna ( went there last year and I've wanted to go since she told me about it!
Since they arrange these tours, I'm gonna go! :)
It's just 2500 KsH Per person and the money goes to the Kibera community!
Gosh, I can't believe it's just a little more than a month until I get to go!
The fundraiser is still going, so please! Don't forget to make your contribution at:
BANKGIRO 0663-7458
Have a great Saturday evening folks!
Nite nite!
To get a VISA to Kenya.

Yup yup!
This is the very VISA form I have to fill out, and send along with my passport to the Kenyan Embassy in Stockholm.
I called them last week and they said it only costs 200 Sek to get the VISA from them, and they recommended me to get it before I get there, since there might be long lines to get it at the airport.
To get the Visa form, click
You need to fill out the form, and send it togehter with your passport (or go to the Embassy in Stockholm at Birger Jarlsgatan 37) and 2 recent passport sized photos. You also need to pay the fee of 200 SeK to:
Kenya Embassy Post Giro Bank
Account Number: 663966-0
Please note: Copy of the payment receipt should be attached to the previously mentioned documents.
You'll find a lot of useful information at the Kenyan Embassy's website and if you have further questions you can always call them during office hours or e-mail.
I'm gonna take care of all of this tomorrow... "Yaaaaay, taking passport pictures.... whoopheee"...
SO! Tomorrow's mission(s) will be:
✮ Visa application form; A duly completed visa application form V.1 in duplicate
✮ Pay 200 SeK to the Kenyan Embassy Post Giro AND get a copy of the recepit.
✮ Get 2 passport sized pictures taken to send along with the Visa application.
✮ Get a pre-paid stamped self addressed envelope for return registered mail.
✮ Write down a travel itinerary which also need to be attached to the application
It would be so much easier just to go up to Stockholm and get it over with in one day...! :P
More grants and scholarships...
Hello again!
Right now I'm investigating more about the scholarships and grants online...
Unfortunately many of them are un-applyable because the last day of application was in August or early to mid September... OR the fact that many of them don't give out grants to individuals... But I'm keeping up my search.
So far I've written to:
✰ Svenska kulturfonden
✰ Lions Clubs International
...But I have been going through what feels like thousands and thousands...!
They all also have lots of criterias... Stuff like, you have to be a student, you can't make more than a certain amount of money each year (which is, not a lot), you need to be a member of a project or organization... And so on, and so on...
Well, this is it for right now.
More later peeps!
Sponsor & donors!
Hi again!
This post will be updated everytime I get a contribution from a sponsor (from a company) or a donor (from an individual) added to my fundraiser!
☆ I want to thank Svenska Handelsbanken for sponsoring me with my bank giro account! I really appreciate it! It makes everything a whole lot easier!
☆ Me, myself and I :)
☆ Erik Mortensen
☆ Elizabeth Wantland
Keep 'em coming!!
ASANTE SANA MILELE! (Thank you forever!)
Oops, didn't mean to spam-a-lot!
Yeah... I'm trying to reach as big of a crowd as I possibly can, so I started to write to all my friends at Facebook... All 300+ friends at facebook... Facebook didn't like that...
After several posts I got a message saying I might get blocked if I continue... so I'm just gonna have to lay low for a while and hope the posts I DID send out will have an effect :)
Sorry Facebook!
Well, I'm gonna go to bed. I'm meeting Cili for breakfast tomorrow at her hair salon!
...She's just awesome!
Did you know she was one of the stylists on IDOL 2008 (Sweden edition)! :)
Anywho, I'm gonna hit the sheets! You should too! It's late! 12:30am *yawn*
Nighty night!
Hey again!
I just wanted to share the flyer I'm gonna hand out starting tomorrow:

Does it look ok ?
I hope people will take the time to read what it says, and more inmportantly make a contribution!
This is it for now, more to come, more to come!
Help me help the kids at Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya!
Today I got the bank giro account!!!
☆ Contributions can
only be made to this bank giro from
☆ If you are
NOT FROM SWEDEN and want to make a contribution, please
send me an e-mail and I will let you know how to send the money.
WHEN you transfer money to this bank giro
DO NOT FORGET to write your
name (and/or company name).
Please note that I will post on my blog all the people and companies who donate money to this project. If you want to be anonymous, just write anonymous on the note when sending the money transfer!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
ASANTE SANA!!! Thank you!!! For your help!
Searching for grants
Hey everyone!
Sorry I've been a bit off today...!
I've spent the last couple of hours searching for grants. There sure are a million out there.. And only a few that I can apply for... And many of them are already too late to apply for... Oh well...! Those who search will find.
This is me, very concentrated:

So far I've applied to:
❀ Anna Lindhs minnesfond
❀ Skandia bank och försäkringar
❀ Palme stipendiet
❀ Prins Gustaf Adolfs och prinsessan Sibyllas minnesfond
And more to come more to come, but right now I'm doing some work for my uncle...
So I'll be back later! ㋡
But hey! Check this out! I made an omelette!

I know, It's huge! But the half I ate was delicious... Note to self: 2 eggs are enough.
Getting people involved!
I went to E-center and talked to the staff at Sko punkten, Engelbrektsboden and Ekohallen:-. I'll know more next week, but they did seem interested in working with me on my project! We'll see what happens!
I'm gonna make flyers and print out that I can leave with the stores later on!
Containing my contact information, and some info about the project and the account number to my bank giro. Hopefully I'll have it on Monday!
And when I have THAT I'll put up the flyers at work. I bought two, so I'll put up one here in Malmö and one in Copenhagen. And then I'll write an e-mail to all the staff...
Oh I hope something good will come of all this. I hope I'll be able to help the kids even more this time.
I'm even gonna contact my flight company, can't remember which one it is, but I'll ask them to sponsor me with two bags... Right now I'm only allowed to bring one bag, BUT 30 Kilos, so it's still A LOT!
Gotta build up them muscles! ㋡
..Yah! How you like them apples? (Can't get it out of my head, hehe) ʘ‿ʘ
Anyway, this is it for now!
More soon!
Filled up with ideas!!!
HEY peeps!!
Okay, I'm so so so full of ideas right now! It's crazy!
I went to talk to Handelsbanken today, and they are so awesome! They're gonna sponsor me with a [bank giro] (tell me, is that the correct English word too? According to Google translate it is).
I will find out what the account number is next week and then I'll post it a.s.a.p. And you'll probably see a lot of it on the blog until I leave for Kenya cause I hope to gather at least 10 000 SeK. (You gotta keep your goals high, right?)
I mean in 05/06 a local Rotary club sponsored that project with 20 000 SeK!
I'm gonna put up posters at work like I did last yeah, and I'll make flyers and hand out to people on the street and local businesses. I'll also do my best to contact the local Rotary foundation here and see if they can help, as well as the one that helped back in 05/06!
I'll also do my best to expose my blog as much as I can all over the internet! Which means, I need YOUR help too!
Please send this message out to every one you know! I need as much help as possible!
If you don't live in Sweden, you could check with your bank in your country and ask how
to transfer money to my bank giro account, OR you could send via Western Union, but via bank giro is better since Western Union charge you for wiring money. Or just contact me and we'll figure something out.
But please,
HELP ME help the kids at Tumshangilieni mtoto in Kenya!
Jambo tena!
Yes, hello again!
I just wanted to let you all know that I will have sort of a fundraiser dedicated to the kids at the children's home [Tumshangilieni mtoto] in Nairobi.
I will put up posters at work and if YOU want to contribute, all contributions, big or small are welcome, write a comment on any post in the [2010 Kenya] category and I will contact you a.s.a.p. Don't forget to write your email!
Last year when I went to Kenya I had a fundraiser at work as well, and many of my friends chipped too!
I got about 3000 Swedish, to bring to the children's home.
One of the teachers gave me a list on what they needed and I went ti different markets and got them most of what they needed. I also arranged for the younger girls to spend an afternoon at my hostel, where they also have the community swimming pool, which also included transport and snacks.
Picture one: My friend Mary (black dress) and I are walking together with the girls in Kangemi, on our way to the matatus to go to YMCA!
Picture two: The girls are enjoying candy and cookies and a lemonade that turned their lips and tongue very very reddish-pink.
Picture three: The poor girls were freezing so much as we were waiting for the matatu to pick us up!
I also bought a lot of yarn for the kids and taught them to make bracelets. They absolutely loved it! And they all got very good at it!
Picture one, two and three: The girls are doing such a good job! Even the boys liked making bracelets. They kept asking me for JAMAICA colors! ヅ
BACK TO KENYA!!! ヅ ヅ ヅ
I just ordered my tickets to Kenya!! I'm going back!! :D
I'll leave on November 13th and I'll go back on November 30th! I can't wait!!!
ヅ It's going to be so so wonderful to see my kids again at Shangilia! (Who by the way changed their name to: [Tumshangilieni mtoto] which means "lets rejoice for the child".
GRACIE, I'm coming back, princess!

Nakupenda wewe!!!